It’s never been easier to be fooled. How charlatans operate


The charlatanism is based on a simple internet advertisement that is wreaking havoc in Romania. These are the ads posted on public24, or on OLX or other similar sites, where charlatans caught dozens of Romanians who were left without money and without cars.

So the two Sinaia criminals managed to earn a lot of money in a few months through a simple message posted on ad sites. Dozens of Romanians have been stabbed and the police and prosecutors are unable to arrest him to prevent this charlatanism.

They took advantage of Romanians who wanted cars from Germany

The two criminals take advantage of Romanians who want to buy used cars from Germany or other European countries, but do not have the opportunity to bring the car into the country. Through a message posted on the well-known advertising sites, the charlatans caught dozens of Romanians.

In the ad, the scammers recommend themselves as a “serious company” and promise that in just a few days they will be able to bring the ordered car to Romania, with the platform. I ask for the transport money in advance, and the rate is not low at all, reaching several thousand euros.

After long discussions with the so-called carriers, who explain the delay citing all kinds of reasons, be it the failure of the platform or the closure of the car park, they realize that they were deceived and file a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Siniaia Court.

Although they have been caught but cannot be charged, the two scammers continue their fraudulent activity on the Internet.

The investigation runs its course, the parties are heard and then the case is sent to court where everything gets stuck. In court, the parties reconcile and the client receives the money back, and the criminal process ends without the offender receiving any punishment, not even a simple fine.

As not all thorny customers file a complaint, the scammers in Sinaia continue the business unimpeded and, according to judicial sources, one of the charlatans already has four fraud cases pending before the Sinaia Court, each case involving multiple victims.

The prosecution assures that the “Car in Germany” business has grown so much nationally that it is possible to talk about a phenomenon and ask people to be careful who they slap before giving them the money, reports Antena 3.