Italy, the highest number of COVID deaths in Europe. It surpassed Great Britain


Italy reached the highest number of coronavirus deaths in Europe since the start of the pandemic on Saturday, with a total of 64,036 deaths. The United Kingdom fell to second place in this negative ranking, which until now it led, reports AFP, absorbed by Agerpres.

The Italian Health Ministry announced on Saturday 649 new deaths in the last 24 hours and 19,903 new cases of infection.

According to data compiled by AFP for Europe, Italy surpassed the United Kingdom on Saturday (with ten fewer deaths, 64,026), followed by France (57,567), Spain (47,624), Russia (46,453) and Poland (22,676). .

Over the past seven days, among European countries, Italy recorded the highest number of new deaths from COVID-19 (4,522), ahead of Russia (3,769), Germany (2,949), Great Britain (3,012) and Poland (2,815) .

As of November 1, Italy had more than 25,000 deaths (25,418), as many as between April 2 and the end of October (25,463).

Globally, only the United States, Brazil, India and Mexico have seen more deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Publisher: BP
