Italy has changed the conditions for Romanian citizens to enter the country


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) announced on Tuesday that Italy has reviewed the conditions to enter the country in the context of the evolution of the Covid-19 pandemic. A number of exceptions have been added for Romanian citizens compared to those currently in force, reports Mediafax.

According to a statement from the MFA, the new measures will apply from Wednesday to November 13.

Thus, according to the information publicly communicated by the Italian authorities, people who cumulatively meet the following conditions: not having symptoms of Covid, not having traveled in Italy are exempt from the obligation of medical supervision and self-isolation for a period of 14 days upon entering in Italy. last 14 days before entry into Italy in countries or territories on list F (Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Chile, Kuwait, North Macedonia, Moldova, Oman, Panama, Peru, Dominican Republic, Kosovo , Montenegro, Colombia) and you are in one of the following situations:

– people who enter Italy for the purpose of a short stay (up to 120 hours in total) for reasons of work, health or absolute urgency, with the obligation to leave Italian territory at the end of the period or, failing that, to leave subject to self-isolation and health surveillance measures;
– people who enter Italy for transit purposes for a maximum of 36 hours in private means of transport, with the obligation to leave Italian territory at the end of the period or, failing that, to submit to measures of self-isolation and surveillance of the Health ;
-citizens and residents of a Member State of the EU or of the States and Territories indicated in List A (San Marino, Holy See), List B (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, including the Faroe Islands and Greenland, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Poland, Portugal, including the Azores and Madeira, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Hungary, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, including the islands of Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Switzerland , Andorra, Principality of Monaco), list C (Belgium, France – including Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyana, Reunion, Mayotte and other territories outside the European continent, Netherlands – except territories outside the European continent, Czech Republic, Spain – including the territories on the African continent, United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, including the Channel Islands, Gibraltar, the Isle of Man and British bases on the island of Cyprus and excluding territories outside the conti European nent) and list D (Australia, Canada, Georgia, Japan, New Zealand, Romania, Rwanda, Republic of Korea, Thailand, Tunisia, Uruguay) who have been traveling to Italy for proven work reasons and have not been or have been in transit in the last 14 days before the entry into Italian territory of one or more of the States and territories indicated in List C;
-health personnel who enter Italy in order to practice health professions, even in the cases of temporary exercise provided for in art. 13 of Decree Law No. 18 of March 17, 2020, modified by law no. 27/2020;
– cross-border workers entering and leaving to go to work and then return to their home, residence or dwelling;
– personnel of companies with their main or secondary headquarters in Italy who return to Italy after traveling abroad for work reasons, for a maximum period of 120 hours (5 days);
-officers and agents, whatever they are called, of the European Union or international organizations, diplomatic agents, technical-administrative personnel of diplomatic missions, consular officials and employees, Italian or foreign military and police forces, and firefighters in the exercise of their duties;
– Pupils and students who take courses in a state other than that in which they reside, reside or reside and to which they return daily or at least once a week.

“At the same time, the MFA establishes that the following categories of people remain exceptions to the obligation of medical supervision and self-isolation for a period of 14 days from the entry into the Italian Republic, provided that they do not show symptoms of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus: means of transport crews; navigation personnel; persons entering Italy for work reasons covered by special security protocols approved by the competent health authority; in the case of registrations for reasons that cannot be deferred, including Participation in sporting events and exhibitions at the international level, with prior authorization from the Ministry of Health and with the obligation to present the carrier at the time of shipment or any person designated to carry out controls, the certificate confirms the realization, in the 72 hours prior to the entry into the national territory, of a molecular diagnosis or capture test ra of antigens, of buffer type, with negative result ”, is shown in the statement.

The MFA states that for all other categories of persons traveling from Romania to the Italian Republic, the obligation of medical supervision and self-isolation for a period of 14 days applies.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
