Italians will be forced to wear a mask outside and could be supervised by the army.


Italians will soon be forced to wear a permanent mask outside, Italian Health Minister Roberto Speranza said Wednesday. He information thus confirmedthe appeared in the press about new measures to control the spread of the coronavirus, reports DPA, cited by Agerpres.

The government intends extend the obligation to wear a mask also outside, a He said Esperanza in the Chamber of Deputies, lower house of Parliament.

The measure would be included in a decree whose adoption is scheduled for Wednesday, he added.

Speranza also said there will be a stricter enforcement of distance rules in public spaces, given the risk of contamination at meetings.

A limited number of people may be required at private parties and ceremonies – 200 for weddings – and the rule that a maximum of 1,000 spectators will be present in stadiums during major sporting events will remain in effect.

PIn order for all these rules to be met, the government will also request the help of the army, which will complement the troops sent to the streets. according to La Stampa.

Lglasses could close at 10pm00 or 23.00, according to the press. However, Speranza said there will be no new restrictions.

The number of people in the stores will continue to be limited depending on the space, the restaurants will have to respect the distance and the discos will remain closed.

weararea the mask is already mandatoryme for outdoor activities in some regions of Italy, such as Sicily, Campania and Lazio. The last two are the regions that include the cities of Naples and Rome.

The obligation does not apply to children under the age of six, people with disabilities, external customers of bars and restaurants or people who practice sports or exercise.

Italian authorities are stepping up measures to limit the spread of the coronavirus in response to a significant increase in the daily number of infections, which has reached its highest level since the end of April.

On Monday, 2,257 cases were recorded over 24 hours, compared with 1,494 a week ago.

Editing: Monica Bonea
