“It just caught our eye then. It wouldn’t allow me to threaten like this.”


Gazeta Sportulor contacted representatives of various teams in League 1 to find out the point of view on the intention of eAD Interactive, which pays 28 million euros per season for television rights.

Helmuth Duckadam (FCSB): “It is the right of the owner! I have nothing to blame”

“If it is a contract and they paid something and did not receive it, it seems to me that it is the right of those who own the television rights.” I mean, the playoffs and the playoffs had to be played. They made some plans. In my opinion, I keep saying that it is stupid not to play this year.

If football, which is played outdoors, is dangerous, what about those who work in factories or shops? Footballers are among the healthiest people and would play outside. There are 25 in the field, in a room there are 200. Is there no difference? I don’t understand this fear. Especially since the footballers were tested. If it is no longer played, I am convinced that the TV rights holder, who gave some money earlier, will probably not request it. But maybe in a future contract you will get your money back. It is normal. He went in good faith and gave the money first. I would have nothing to blame them for.

There are the big clubs, which also suffer, but there are clubs that will probably not be financially resistant. If they don’t play again this year, many clubs will go bankrupt, not just League 1. I think there will be a lot of them. Who guarantees that football will start in September? No one guarantees you. We need to get used to this coronavirus, “said Helmuth Duckadam, FCSB image president.

Dani Coman (Astra): “We can do a new competition”

“I know about the discussion, it took place a week ago. I had a video conference in which Mr. Orlando Nicoară also participated. He informed us of these things. I hope, and we all work hard, that this competition runs until the end. Discussion is complex. I thought about what it means financially for Astra, but also for all teams, regardless of name.

There will be problems, but variants can be found. One of the things that comes to mind now is to organize a new competition, the League Cup or to have another name, in which to grant the holder of the TV rights a certain number of matches to recover the amount who loses if the rest of the championship does not take place. That’s what came to mind now. But now we believe that this championship will end on the field, as would be normal. Not finishing after just two stages in the playoffs, “believes Dani Coman, president of Astra.

43%of the budget for League 1 clubs, in fiscal year 2018, was provided by receipts for television rights

Florin Prunea (Dinamo): “It wouldn’t be good for any club”

“If this happens, it would not be a pleasant situation, not only for Dinamo, but for any club, for the entire Romanian championship.” We are practical partners. But I don’t think there are any bankrupt clubs. We will return to normal. Even if the championship does not resume, the world must understand, we must make a common front and overcome these problems. I do not know if we will find an agreement of the holder of the TV rights. I don’t know what clauses are in the contract, “said Florin Prunea, president of Dinamo.

Iuliu Mureșan (Hermannstadt): “You cannot ask for a refund”

“We had this discussion from the first video conference we had with LPF, which was also attended by the representative of eAD. Of course, we want to end this championship. I believe that the rights holder will not renegotiate or reduce the contract and will not request a refund of money A possible freezing of the championship would not be the fault of the clubs If the state of emergency is prolonged or if the Government does not allow us to play on stage, it is not the fault of the clubs or the LPF Then nothing will happen.

The conclusion we have reached is that we want to start the championship again, we want to play. Now we have to be released. I don’t think there is a problem with such a measure. It could only happen if the teams no longer want to play, everyone wants the championship to resume. You cannot ask for a refund, because it is not our fault. And it is not a matter of renegotiating the contract, by deduction, for the remaining years.

Yes, I think there would be some problems for the clubs. The money from the TV rights is safe money, with which he calculates for next season’s budget. It is a very important amount for the budget. Football would suffer if the value of this contract decreased, “said Iuliu Mureșan, president of Hermannstadt.

Ciprian Paraschiv (Poli Iași): “There is pressure!”

“I don’t know what the contract looks like, but maybe there is a force majeure clause.” It is not our fault if the championship does not resume. We want to play. I think we could find a solution to recalculate the amounts in the next four years if money is lost. But if the rating increases, do we get extra money? There is no talk of increasing the amount of money. Let the owner of the TV rights tell us, “If you increase the rating from 2.2 to 3.2, we will give you more money.” That a higher rating means more advertising.

It will be very, very difficult for clubs in League 1. I have never lobbied, as the television rights holder does. I did not threaten and told him that I had to start the season again. It’s about people’s health, more important things. I would never make such a statement. Feel pressure. We have to let those who know decide whether we can resume the championship, “said Ciprian Paraschiv, president of Poli Iași.

Marcel Popescu (Craiova): “It seems absurd to me. We also played when the stones were broken and we said nothing “

However, CS Universitatea Craiova CEO Marcel Popescu does not believe EAD can strip the skin of the clubs. Live on Oltenia TV, he recalled that “they asked us to play on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I played in the winter, starting at 9:00 pm, when the stones broke, and no one said anything. And you come now and threats? It seems absurd to me. “Popescu gave the example of the continental forum. “Has UEFA, which is also not on the sidelines, deployed 255 million euros to help the federations, and the EAD comes and says ‘we will take your money if you do not play’? I say it is an intentional phase and I would like to leave it at that. Perhaps the information was released to the market to test, to destabilize. On the principle of accusing first, attacking first and then I see how others respond, “said the Oltenian official.

He does not believe that “in England, if you can no longer play, Sky, which owns the television rights, will remove the skin of the clubs. And in our country, I don’t think EAD has any chance of facing the League. “

Valeriu Iftime (FC Botoșani): “Let’s see whose fault it is”

“Those who own the television rights are right. It is a product that must be paid for. We do not deliver, we have problems. We have to deliver. If we do not work, we do not take the money. In addition to our difficulties, if another comes, it is a disaster. If we don’t play, we will have problems. I hope we don’t get there. At this point, you can expect such reactions. Unfortunately, the problem is not ours. They are right to ask, but we are waiting. Let’s see whose fault it is, why we can’t play. Botoșani would be out on the field tomorrow if he could. We hope not to get into trouble and decide everything on the field “, is the opinion of Valeriu Iftime, owner of FC Botoșani

Robert Gherghe (FC Voluntari): “It seems normal”

“It seems normal to me the attitude of those who have television rights to press.” Because they paid. FC Voluntari will play, if decided. The best solution must be found. And the clubs just have to obey. We want to play, that is clear. We don’t want them to lose money, but it’s not good for clubs to lose either. I don’t know what the solution is if you can’t play. To deduct from the rights for next year. I mean, what to do.

But again, we want to play. We went to great lengths to build a good team. I repeat, it is normal for the payer to decide. For us clubs, it is the law. Let the League decide with the rights holders what is best and we respect itsaid Robert Gherghe, chief executive of Volunteers.

Cornel Șfaițer (Sepsi OSK): “We all want the season to resume”

“We all would like the season to resume as soon as possible.” Let’s start the activity somehow under normal conditions. The problem is with future emergency ordinances. The Sepsi club just wants it to be possible. Let’s see if we can train and play normally. The most important thing is the health of everyone around you. Let’s take legal action, let’s train. After all, the decision is not ours. The clubs are waiting and will act accordingly. Nobody wants to lose money, they are very important to everyone, “said Cornel Șfaițer, general manager of Sepsi OSK.

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