It is war! Turkey has entered the fray. Who does Erdogan’s army support?


A Su-25 fighter jet belonging to the Armenian Air Force was shot down by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet over Armenian territory, and the plane’s pilot was killed, a Facebook spokeswoman announced Tuesday. Armenian Defense Ministry, Reuters reports.

The Armenian plane was shot down while on a military mission, Susanna Stepanian said.

Armenia and Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey, accused each other on Tuesday of expanding the conflict outside the enclave by opening fire on distant positions in Nagorno Karabakh, where gun fighting continues for the third day in a row, with more and more casualties. civil.

On the other hand, the Turkish presidency has announced that it is determined to help Azerbaijan to regain its “occupied land”. Since the beginning of the armed clashes on Sunday, in this Azerbaijani separatist enclave with an Armenian majority population, Ankara, an ally of Baku, has shown its support for Azerbaijan, which wants to regain control of Nagorno Karabakh.

Azerbaijan “simply seeks to ensure the safety of its civilian population near the front line and to liberate the occupied lands,” the presidency said. “The world cannot afford to put the aggressor and the injured party on an equal footing, in the name of a supposed principle of neutrality,” Ankara said.

Erdogan was impressed by Putin and the EU

The Turkish presidency makes the remarks after the Kremlin urged Ankara to refrain from “throwing gas on the fire” and work for peace in Nagrono Karabah, where more than 100 people were killed in clashes on Sunday.

The European Union (EU) on Monday called the situation in Nargorno Karabah “very worrying” and denounced any interference in the southern Caucasus region as “unacceptable”.

The President of Azerbaijan and the Prime Minister of Armenia presented the position of their countries regarding Nagorno-Karabakh after the clashes that broke out on Sunday morning in the disputed region, in statements recorded by the DPA agency.
