“It is time to heal America”


Our administration will be people-centered and we will bring America back to being respected around the world, Democrat Joe Biden said in his first speech as President-elect of the United States on Saturday night. We must make this country a land for everyone. We must rebuild the spirit of this country, he emphasized, in a new call for unity.

“The people of this nation have spoken, they have given us a clear victory,” but “there are no red states or blue states, only the United States,” Joe Biden said, commenting on the election result.

“Those of you who voted for President Trump understand your disappointment, and I have lost a few times, but let’s give us a chance, let’s all be Americans, let’s get together and build, it’s time to heal America,” he said. said the Democrat addressing supporters of the current White House tenant.

“It is time to put aside the heavy words, lower the temperature, see each other again, listen again and move on. We must stop treating our opponents as enemies. They are not enemies. They are Americans. The Bible tells us that for everything there is a time, a time to build, a time to reap, a time to sow and a time to heal. It is time to get rid of America, “said Joe Biden.

Thousands of pro-Trump supporters came out to protest Saturday at various Republican strongholds, especially after Donald Trump delivered a clear message that he did not intend to admit defeat. He accuses the vote of fraudulent and will go to court.

“I have always believed that America can be defined in one word: possibilities. There is nothing we cannot do together,” said Joe Biden.

Joe Biden wanted to mark another key moment: “Our Vice President Kamala Harris is writing history,” said Joe Biden, who will become the first woman to hold the position.

Foreign policy, an important pillar for the future administration

“Everyone is looking at America tonight,” the former vice president said. “America is a beacon for the whole world. And we will lead not just by the example of our power, but by the power of our example,” Joe Biden promised, implying that foreign policy will be an important component of his administration.

The president-elect outlined the priorities of his administration, highlighting the urgent need to take adequate measures to combat the pandemic, but also to restore the economy. We need to get the climate under control and defend democracy, Joe Biden pointed out in other directions of his policies.

In his long-awaited speech as president-elect, Joe Biden had a much more assertive, firmer, and more mobilizing tone than previous public appearances.

Last but not least, Joe Biden wanted to pay tribute to the one who lived with him all his life: his wife. “I am Jill’s husband and I would not be here without her love and support. He is a man dedicated to education. She will be a wonderful first lady, I am very proud of her,” said Joe Biden.

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Joe Biden, president-elect of the United States and future first lady Jill Biden Photo: Profimedia

As always, he also mentioned Beau, his son who died five years ago and was considered his political heir. Beau Biden was honored somehow in a different way. The fireworks that followed in Wilmington took place in the context of the song “Sky Full of Stars” by Coldplay, one of Beau’s favorite bands. In fact, soloist Chris Martin sang at Beau Biden’s funeral in 2015.

Joe Biden ended his speech by recalling the words of his grandparents: “Keep the faith!” my grandfather used to tell me. “No, spread your faith!” My grandmother would tell me, Joe Biden said, urging Americans to embrace the spirit of this council.

Joe Biden spoke from his Delaware hometown of Wilmington. The scene was staged in a parking lot, where thousands of enthusiastic fans arrived by car. With flags in their hands, they greeted Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with cheers and horns.

Kamala Harris: You have chosen hope, unity, science and truth

However, the first to speak was Kamala Harris, the woman who writes history in the United States: she will be the first female vice president, the first person of color to hold this position, and also the first person of South Asian descent to obtain this. dignity.

Dressed in white, the former prosecutor told his supporters that it is they who have the power to improve the future and thanked everyone who worked for the Biden-Harris team in the election campaign. He recalled the special situation in which these elections took place, the pandemic that brought a lot of pain. “You have chosen hope, unity, science and truth,” he told his supporters, hinting that proper health measures will be the priority of the future administration. “Now the real work will begin to heal and unite the country. The road will not be easy. But the United States is ready, Joe and me too,” said the senator.

Kamala Harris recalled her origins, thanking her sister, husband and especially her mother. She paid tribute to the “generations of women” who “paved the way” and promised that she would not be the only woman elected to this position and that she would stand with all categories of people fighting for their rights: women, people. of color, immigrants, children. “Dream with ambition!” urged.

He then introduced President-elect Joe Biden, who, despite being 77 years old, rushed on stage. They both greeted the crowd, then came the most anticipated moment: Joe Biden’s speech.

At the end, a fireworks display was produced and their families joined them on stage.

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Kamala Harris, US Vice President-elect, and Joe Biden, US President-elect, along with families on stage in Wilmingon, Delaware, in their first public appearance since they won the election Photo: Profimedia

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
