“It is the worst attack on the United States. The worst …


CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: The United States faces an increasingly dire situation due to the pandemic, with nearly 1.5 million Americans testing positive for COVID-19, and more than 75,000 deaths from coronavirus infection in recent reports. .

In a response to reporters in the White House Oval Office on Wednesday, Trump said: “We have been through the worst attack our country has ever faced.” This (n.r. pandemic) is a more serious attack than Pearl Harbor and more serious than the World Trade Center. There has never been an attack like this. “

“It should never have happened. It could have been stopped at the source. It could have been stopped in China. And it wasn’t,” Trump said.

The United States administration is weighing punitive actions against China on how it handled the global emergency. Beijing, on the other hand, says the United States wants to divert attention from its own response to the pandemic.

When asked by a journalist if he viewed the pandemic as a true act of war, Donald Trump said the outbreak was an enemy of the United States, rather than China. “I see the invisible enemy, the coronavirus, as a war,” he said. “I don’t like how it got here, because it could have stopped, but no, I see the invisible enemy as a war.”

Tensions between Washington and Beijing escalated on Wednesday after Secretary of State Mike Pompeo renewed his rhetoric against China, accusing him of covering up information about the coronavirus outbreak.

He was moderate about his previous claims that there was “enormous evidence” that the virus originated in a Chinese laboratory, although he acknowledged that there were still uncertainties about its origins.

“These statements are true,” the American diplomat told the BBC. “We are not certain and there is significant evidence that they come from a laboratory.”

Chinese state media has accused Mike Pompeo of lying

One of the most trusted public health experts in the US USA He said the best evidence indicates that the virus was not produced in a laboratory.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the Trump administration’s coronavirus crisis task force, said Monday that the disease appears to “evolve in nature and then infect multiple species.”

The US Centers for Disease Control. USA (CDC) have prepared a detailed guide on how to ease the restrictions, but the White House has decided not to share the measures, the US media reported.

The 17-page document, first reported by the Associated Press, has step-by-step guides on resuming operations in schools, restaurants, camps, daycare centers, churches, mass transit, and jobs.

Trump administration officials have called for changes to the guidelines, saying they are too general because the virus affects regions differently.

Trump urges Putin to involve China in limiting the nuclear arms race

United States President Donald Trump suggested in a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Thursday that he involve China in new negotiations on a limitation of the nuclear arms race, the White House announced, AFP and Reuters report.

“President Trump has reaffirmed that the United States is committed to an effective arms limitation that includes not only Russia but also China, and is awaiting further talks to avoid an expensive arms race,” it said in a statement. The American executive.

The United States and Russia, rival powers during the Cold War, last year abandoned the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), which banned a whole class of missiles, with a range of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

Washington also threatens to exit the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, which keeps the nuclear arsenals of the two countries lower than they were during the Cold War and the latter part expires in February 2021.

Donald Trump has been pushing for China to get involved in the future deal. He warns that Beijing’s nuclear and ballistic capacity is expanding rapidly.

The New Beginning Treaty limits the number of nuclear warheads in the United States and Russia to 1,550, as well as the number of surface-to-air and submarine missiles that can launch them.

China, which has an arsenal of around 300 nuclear weapons, has so far rejected the US president’s proposal. USA And he assured that his nuclear weapons are defensive and not a threat.

Trump spoke to Putin as the end of World War II approaches.
