“It is not yet time to give up isolation”


The UK will remain in quarantine until at least June 1. The announcement was made on Sunday night by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, than He introduced a so-called five-step alert system, a kind of isolation guide.

If everything goes according to plan and the number of cases doesn’t increase, stores could reopen in early summer. And the reopening of a hotel could start on July 1.

Going back to the present, British people who cannot work from home can return to work. Outdoor exercise will be possible without restrictions.

“This is not the time to simply end quarantine. Those who cannot work from home should be encouraged to go to work and we want to get there safely. If possible, go to work using the car or even better, walking or by bike. Starting on Wednesday, we want to encourage people to exercise more outdoors. You can walk in the parks, sit in the sun, drive to other places, and even play sports only with family members, “Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced.

“In the coming weeks or months, we could go further,” he promised.

“In the second step, at the earliest on June 1, we can start reopening stores and elementary schools. By July at the earliest, but only if the situation allows, we hope to reopen part of the hotel industry,” said Boris Johnson.

The British Prime Minister himself recovered after taking a rather severe form of Covid-19, asked his compatriots to follow the rules, and announced that he would increase the amount of the fines.

“You have to follow the rules on social distancing, and to impose those rules, we will increase the amount of fines.” We have to be vigilant, control the virus and save lives! – Boris Johnson said.

With over 31,000 deaths, the UK ranks second in the world, while the number of infections exceeds 215,000.

Web edition: Luana Păvălucă
