“It is a lesson, an awakening to reality”


The World Health Organization has said that AstraZeneca’s decision to postpone COVID vaccine testing for safety reasons is a wake-up call, because developing a vaccine “is not always a fast and straightforward path,” reports CNBC. .

“I think that’s a good thing … maybe a wake-up call or lesson for everyone to recognize that there are ups and downs in research, ups and downs in clinical development and we have to be prepared for that. Hopefully things can continue, but It depends. It depends on many things and we have to wait and see the details of what actually happened, “said Soumya Swaminathan, WHO chief scientific officer, writes Mediafax.

While WHO hopes that the clinical trial of the vaccine will resume soon, it should await further information provided by a safety and data monitoring board that will determine how to proceed with the studies, Swaminathan said.

The WHO representative said that we should not be “extremely disappointed” by the suspension of the study, adding that “these things are happening.”

“There is a protocol for what to do when something happens. If it is a mild side effect, there are things to do. If it is a severe reaction, as it was in this case, it was a severe side effect, for which stopped the process. And again, this is a normal procedure, “said Dr. Soumya Swaminathan.

AstraZeneca announced Tuesday that it is suspending the phase 3 clinical trial of its potential vaccine for the new coronavirus, developed in collaboration with the University of Oxford, after one of the participants showed signs of a serious side effect.

Editing: Cristina Iancu
