It is a historic opportunity for the Romanian people.


In countries that have already started vaccination campaigns – the United States, for example – the first person to be vaccinated was a medical professional. In the UK, he was an older person. In Israel, he was even prime minister. The strategies were different. Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordinator of the national vaccination campaign against COVID, was asked in an interview with Digi24, who will be the first Romanian to be vaccinated.

“We, as a strategy, provide in a first stage medical personnel and personnel in the field of social assistance. As a result, the first person will be a member of the medical staff of the 10 medical units ”who will receive the first doses of vaccine, Valeriu Gheorghiță told the program. In front of you.

“They may be the first 10 people in different categories of medical personnel: a doctor, a nurse,” added the coordinator of the vaccination campaign.

He revealed that they are working, at the European level, to create a unitary image content for this moment of the start of the vaccination campaign.

We have a scenario that we are preparing very thoroughly, because it is a moment in which we want to be very well prepared, not only at the national level, but also at the European level. We want to make videos with the moment when the vaccine arrives in each country, we want to create videos for the first vaccinated person, then we will create a common material in the European Union, which will most likely be available to everyone. “Explained Valeriu Gheorghiță.

How many days after approval does the first vaccine arrive in Romania?

It is currently a matter of days before the European authorities approve the COVID vaccine.

“We have a calendar of activities. It is not formalized, since it does not have this authorization, but it is estimated that in December 21, the committee of specialists of the European Medicines Agency will recommend that the Agency issue this conditional authorization. In December 23th the conditional marketing authorization will be issued and the Dec 26Simultaneously, the first doses of vaccine will be distributed in the 27 member states of the European Union. It is a symbolic section, there are almost 10,000 doses that will be sent and immediately after it is put into operation weekly delivery schedule with over 100,000 doses“, Detailed Valeriu Gheorghiță.

European officials said in a statement that the data December 27, 28 and 29 They are considered start days of the vaccination campaign in the Member States of the European Union. “We wish, if on the 26th we really received the first doses of vaccine, on the 27th they will be delivered to the first medical units, who will receive these doses, “said the military doctor, who coordinates the national vaccination campaign.

Valeriu Gheorghiță also specified that an authorization of the vaccine is NOT required by the Romanian authorities, in this case the National Medicines Agency. Since the European Commission takes this authorization from the European Medicines Agency, it is valid in all 27 EU member states, he said.

Who is Valeriu Gheorghiță, the coordinator of the national vaccination campaign

Valeriu Gheorghiță is 38 years old. Some say “here is a young doctor and at 38 he received this challenge”, others say that he, being young, has the power to do it. Valeriu Gheorghiță is a general practitioner in infectious diseases at the Central University Hospital for Military Emergencies “Carol Davila”. He has the rank of colonel and is president of the National Coordinator of Vaccination Activities against COVID-19 (CNCAV). This is the official name, but more simply, it is the coordinator of the national vaccination campaign against COVID.

“It is very difficult, but not impossible,” admits Valeriu Gheorghiță in the Digi24 interview. However, he says that in the medical world it is very important to be professionally validated among colleagues, both in the same specialty and in other specialties. “My professional career has been very open. I worked for each stage. I tried to fulfill my duty with myself, first of all, with my patients, since I did better. Of course, anyone can make mistakes at some point, I am convinced that that I made mistakes, it is important that these mistakes are as small as possible and that you do not repeat them, if possible, to learn something from these mistakes, “said Valeriu Gheorghiță in the program” In front of you “.

What is the difference between a simple doctor and a military doctor?

From a professional point of view, there is no difference between a civilian doctor and a military doctor. “We must be prepared and always available for our patients and for everything we do, but a military doctor, in addition to the Hippocrates oath, also takes an oath of allegiance to the country only to attend to the other types of activities that are related to the medical profession It is a noble profession, without gifts and perhaps. There are additional activities, which add to the complexity of medical activities, “explained Valeriu Gheorghiță.

“I wanted this career as a doctor first and foremost when I was a child. After graduating from Brătianu National College in Pitești, I decided to attend the Faculty of Military Medicine and entered Medicine at the military-medical department in Târgu Mureș,” said Valeriu Gheorghiță .

What would Dr. Valeriu Gheorghiță choose between the Hippocratic oath and the military order?

A soldier also executes orders. You are a doctor and a soldier. He also executes orders. But there is a limit. If you were ordered to continue with a vaccine that you have doubts about as a doctor, you are not sure what it is, would you comply with that order or not? – Valeriu Gheorghiță was asked in the Digi24 program “In front of you”.

“Definitely not! First of all, we must not endanger the safety of the patient and the person in front of us. It is an oath of Hippocrates, which we have all taken and which we have not taken as an image gesture and that I consider that everything the world should feel and live whenever it is. in front of a patient. From this point of view, I would NOT follow this hypothetical order, if it came, and I prefer to bear the consequences which is derived from non-compliance with that order ”, replied the coordinator of the national vaccination campaign against COVID.

The only effective way to get back to normal

Asked about the importance of the military coat in his appointment, given that public polls show that the army is still one of the institutions in which Romanians have the most confidence, Valeriu Gheorghiță says that, symbolically, this probably mattered in the decision of those who proposed, but is convinced that in no case was the militarization of the campaign desired.

“I had the honor of receiving and accepting this responsibility, knowing the magnitude of the activities to be carried out, knowing the responsibility that I have, I have fully assumed it and I have dedicated myself to this activity, because there is only one way, which is that things Go well. It is the historic opportunity for our people and the world., usually, let’s put an end to this pandemic that, we are at the end of a year in which we were almost helpless witnesses of the unfolding of events, hospitals full of patients, loss of life, family tragedies, or from this point of view, I believe that the world was almost kneeling by this pandemic and we now have a very real hope that we can end, only together, this pandemic. And it is not a populist message, so to speak. I don’t like these messages. But in reality it is the only effective way to return to normality, ”said military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiță.

You can see the full interview Sunday, from 2:00 p.m., in the program “In front of you” of Digi24.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
