It has about 25% of the national economy.


The prefect of the capital, Alin Stoica, declared on Tuesday that, this week, measures could be taken to better protect the population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, mentioning that at this time an analysis by the Health Directorate Public is expected.

“Measures to better protect the population, because, in fact, we are talking not about more drastic measures, but about measures that have the effect of better protecting the population against the spread of the virus before the weekend. (…) I can’t confirm or deny anything yet. There are discussions, there are several proposals. Now they are analyzed and I am absolutely sure that the best measures will be applied, and I will order their application immediately ”, he explained, in a statement delivered to the press, quoted by Agerpres.

The prefect specified that DSP is expected to provide a technical-scientific analysis of the situation in the Capital, as well as proposals for measures. Likewise, the representatives of the Prefecture are in contact with the Ministry of Health, the Capital Mayor’s Office and the Ministry of the Interior.

“It is clear that the incidence is growing and increasing drastically in recent days, so we must think about additional measures to those of today. At this time, we have already ordered the tightening of controls, especially in areas that you already know are problems and we are looking, even with the Ministry of Health and Sanitary Inspection, the legal basis to suspend the activity of those who do not understand to comply with sanitary regulations, Alin Stoica completed.

The prefect explained why the capital is not in quarantine

When asked why quarantine is not required in Bucharest, given that this measure was applied to other cities with a similar incidence of SARS-CoV-2 cases, the prefect indicated that there are several issues to consider.

“It just came to our knowledge then. Bucharest, judging by, has about 25% of the national economy, most of the population, it is a fairly large urban agglomeration, all these elements must be taken into account when imposing measures, to know if those measures are effective or not, “he said. saying.

Alin Stoica mentioned that she did not receive a request from the School Inspection to transfer the online courses.

“According to the common order, as seen now, more than 6 per thousand should go online (schools, no). (…) It does not connect automatically. We will take this measure when (…) the school inspection propose it to us. He has not yet sent us this proposal, “said the prefect.

Previously, Alin Stoica stated that the COVID-19 index reported by DSP is 6.22 per thousand inhabitants on Tuesday, and most likely on Wednesday the Bucharest Municipal Committee for Emergency Situations will be convened.

Publisher: RK
