Israel could be nearing the end of the pandemic. Vaccination has reduced the number of infections


Israel, the country with the most effective vaccination campaign in the world, could soon reach the end of this pandemic, a goal that many countries will achieve in only a few months, or even a few years, writes The Guardian.

More than half of the country’s 9 million people have received both doses of the vaccine. Infection rates have dropped considerably, although life has almost completely returned to normal before the pandemic.

At the height of the vaccination campaign, the corridors of Jerusalem’s huge basketball stadium were packed with people waiting up to two hours for their turn to enter the vaccination booths. Every day 3,000 people were programmed in this center.

On Monday, only 15 people were waiting in line and the wait time was only a few seconds. Only a few hundred more people come to get vaccinated at the organized center within the sports hall.

Among the adult population, only 1 million reluctant people have yet to be vaccinated. “Everyone who wanted to get vaccinated has already come,” said Shani Luvaton, director of the vaccination center.

Accelerated immunization of the population allows Israelis to easily regain the life they had until early 2020. These vaccination centers began to close earlier, in a few days, when basketball games began to take place. The disputes with the spectators again, even if it is a limited number of fans who can enter the arena.

In January, when Israel was hit hard by the third wave of the pandemic, the number of daily cases reached 10,000. Now, almost three months after that peak, there are fewer than 200 infections a day. Last Sunday there were only 130.
