Irinel is not alone! Monica Gabor, buried in debt. Cruel verdict of the court


A few years ago, after divorcing Irinel Columbeanu, Monica Gabor decided to close her accounts in the country and go to America. Although she tried to keep everything in order, it seems that in the “business” chapter there was a real disaster behind her. Thus, the two companies owned by Monica Gabor went bankrupt, after the Tax Agency sued her, in order to recover the money owed by former Mrs. Columbeanu.

Monica Gabor eventually broke all ties that held her to Romania. After

Since one of the companies owned by Monica had huge debts to Irinel Columbeanu, it filed for bankruptcy and auctioned off the assets owned by the company.

Monica’s company went bankrupt

„Order the bankruptcy through the simplified procedure of the debtor SC MONICA COLUMBEANU MEDIA SRL. Finds that the debtor dissolves before the formulation of the introductory application. It instructs all the banks that the debtor has available in their accounts not to dispose of them without an order from the trustee or the judicial liquidator, corresponding to the judicial liquidator the obligation to notify the banks. Orders the sealing of the assets owned by the debtor, in charge of the judicial liquidator. All cash will be kept in a special bank account, “the magistrates decided.

Monica Gabor’s second company, opened after her break with Irinel Columbeanu, was sued by three businessmen, who requested its removal from the Commercial Registry.

“It simply came to our attention then. It orders the removal from the commercial register of the mention relating to the headquarters of the defendant Monica Gabor Media SRL of Bucharest, Calea Victoriei, no.…, Sector 1. It orders the proper mention in the Commercial Registry. It obliges the defendant Mónica Gabor Media SRL to pay the plaintiffs the legal costs in the amount of 100 lei ”, the judges ordered, in the process, the Cancán journalists write.
