Irina Tănase says Liviu Dragnea is being tortured in prison. The reaction of the National Penitentiary Administration


The National Penitentiary Administration (ANP) sent clarifications on Tuesday after Irina Tănase accused Liviu Dragnea of ​​having denied her medical procedures and of having been tortured.

“The prison administration system ensures the application of the legal framework in terms of medical assistance, treatment, care and medicines, in a unitary manner, for all detainees,” transmitted the ANP.

“Considering the information recently circulated in the public space, regarding the way to ensure the right to assistance, treatment and medical care of persons deprived of liberty guarded by units subordinate to the National Penitentiary Administration, we specify: In accordance with The provisions of the art. 71 of Law No. 254/2013 on the execution of sentences and custodial measures ordered by judicial bodies during the criminal process and art. 152-166 of GD no. 157/2016 for the approval of the Regulation for the application of Law no. 254/2013, the right to medical assistance, treatment and care of persons deprived of liberty with specialized personnel is ensured, free of charge, in accordance with the law, ”ANP transmitted this Tuesday.

The cited source specified that medical assistance, treatment and care in places of detention or sanitary units of the public health system are provided, with qualified personnel, free of charge, in accordance with the law, upon request or when necessary. .

In addition, according to art. 145 of Order No. 429/2012 on the provision of medical assistance to persons deprived of liberty who are in the custody of the National Penitentiary Administration, detainees may request for consideration any other medical service that is not provided free of charge. Art. 147 of the same normative act regulates the possibility of rejecting a medical intervention, assuming the persons deprived of liberty in writing the responsibility for their decision. In this record, the consequences of refusal or interruption of medical actions are explained to the patient. In view of the foregoing, we highlight that the prison administration system ensures the application of the legal framework regarding medical care, treatment, care and medicines, in a unitary manner, for all detainees, ”added the ANP.

What Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend said

Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, declared this Tuesday, on Antena 3, that the former PSD leader had to undergo an MRI, accusing her of back pain, but this was denied.

“It is a torture to which he is subjected, a form of torture, from my point of view, as long as six months you let a man suffer with some pain and his health worsens, even if he meets all the conditions, be taken to investigations I consider it to be a form of torture and an attempt to pressure him, ”said Irina Tănase.
