Irina Tănase, Liviu Dragnea’s girlfriend, heard as a witness in the Tel Drum case: “There are events from when I was 8 years old”


Irina Tănase stated that she did not give any statements in the file, because at that time she was 8 years old. “I was summoned as a witness in the Tel Drum case. I don’t know what he wanted to know about me, I did not give statements, I think he wanted us to meet. There is an article in the Code of Criminal Procedure that allows me not to give statements. It is about facts. since I was 8 years old, ”said Irina Tănase, after leaving the National Anticorruption Directorate, according to Antena 3.

He added that it was a “revenge of the system.” “I cannot consider it a coincidence that on December 22 he said that Liviu’s life was in danger and on the 23rd the summons were written to the whole family. I can consider it a punishment or a revenge of the system on us because we dared to speak of the situation in which it is. It’s my opinion, ”said Irina Tănase.

Irina Tănase claims that her family (brother) was also cited, but also Dragnea’s family in this case: his ex-wife and children.

Irina Tănase claims that the former PSD leader had to do some MRIs because he has health problems, but it would not have been allowed.

“It is a torture to which he is subjected, a form of torture, from my point of view, as long as six months you let a man suffer with some pain and his health worsens, even if he meets all the conditions, be taken to medical investigations , I consider it to be a form of torture and an attempt to pressure him, ”said Irina Tănase, on Tuesday, leaving DNA.

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