Irina Loghin, husband, son and daughter-in-law, confirmed positively with Covid-19. What the artist says


Irina Loghin (81 years old) was already hospitalized in “Matei Balş”, after her husband, Ion Cernea, and her son, Ciprian Cernea, along with his wife, tested positive for the new coronavirus. Confirmation that it is infected came after the first test, which was negative, according to

Irina Loghin tested positive for Covid-19

The star says she has no symptoms, but the second test came back positive and is now hospitalized with her husband, son and daughter-in-law in the Matei Balş hospital unit.

“I came to do all the tests because my husband came out with coronavirus, asymptomatically. Ciprian was with him at sea and now, no matter how it turns out, I’m sure asymptomatic. I smell, I don’t cough, I don’t have a fever, I have an appetite. I want to make sure I do the proper hospital investigations. It makes me want to go out the window because I don’t like being locked up, it’s such a beautiful park in the hospital courtyard, “said Irina Loghin, on a television channel, after the first test came out negative, hoping that the -the second should have the same result, but it has not yet.

Who is Irina Loghin’s husband and how did he win her over?

In a crazy world, where stars divorce on the conveyor belt, folk music soloist Irina Loghin and Ion Cernea (84 years old), former champion of Greco-Roman wrestling, are an example of a model family. They have been together for over 40 years, raising their children, Ciprian and Irinuca wonderfully. But, there was no love for the first stars, because they joined their destinies before God only after ten years of groping, and the one who crossed their paths was none other than the singer Benone Sinulescu.

The artist said that she approached her husband at the parties that Ion Cernea organized in his studio near Cinema Patria in the Capital. At that time, Irina Loghin, born in Gura Vitioarei (Prahova), was only 24 years old and had moved to Bucharest for only two years. She had serious health problems and Ion Cernea was extremely careful with her, which moved her. The man was not absent from the hospital, she brought the victim food and bouquets of flowers every day, she was interested in her fate and when she was in the camps.

In those moments of balance, Irina realized that Ion is a good man, with a heart of gold. The two were married in town hall on March 6, 1975. She was 36 years old and seven months pregnant with her first child, Ciprian. They had a religious wedding a year later. “Being an athlete, I went to the Training Center August 23. Opposite the center lived the singer Benone Sinulescu, with whom we met and became friends, we went together to performances at the Ciocârlia Ensemble. Irina had been coming to the Ministry of the Interior for one or two years. That’s how we met, “said the artist’s husband.

The sacrifices Irina Loghin made to get pregnant

The soloist recounted the torments she went through to become a mother: “When I was thirty-five, when I went on tour to Cluj, I was interested in what I could do, I had learned that there are teachers in Cluj.” Good. I went to a consultation with a gynecologist. She gave me six months of treatment, she did a hysterosalpingogram. He puts a liquid, a solution in your uterus, which is horrible, it hurts. “He noticed that I had a cold in my childhood, very bad and untreated in time. This test was also a treatment because he had introduced that liquid and I I became fertile. Immediately, in less than a month, I became pregnant. ” , confessed the singer in the volume “My life is like a song”, released in 2012.

Ciprian turned 45 on February 2. The son of the popular music singer is a fan of luxury vacations. Made good money from real estate. He built luxury villas in Bucharest, especially in the northern part of the capital. “I was a little more embarrassed, I didn’t like to appear through my mother’s eyes. If I do something because of my powers, yes, but as for the name, no ”, declared Ciprian a few years ago for
