Irina Loghin and her family were infected with Covid-19 at sea. What is the condition of the artist


Holidays at sea are the main reason why autumn places us at a high threshold for contagion with the new coronavirus.

Health officials say this, stating that it is not the destination itself that is problematic, but the irresponsible behavior of tourists.

Such an exit would also have brought COVID-19 to Irina Loghin’s family. The artist is hospitalized in “Matei Balş”, where her husband and son arrived, returning from the beach.

“A lot of health and everything bad in life to put aside.”

Contacted by PROTV News, the artist confirmed that she was ill.

So far I have not felt bad at all. I never complained about any symptoms“says Irina Loghin.

The husband, Ion Cernea, as well as the singer’s son, Ciprian Cernea, are in turn in the hospital.

According to some sources, only in the case of Ion Cernea, 84, would there be symptoms.

Irina Loghin, 81, believes she contracted the virus after the two returned from the sea.

952 new illnesses and 39 deaths were announced on Sunday.

Officials once again point to irresponsible vacations in crowded seaside areas. And I point out that the circuit did not close.

Prof. Dr. Emilian Popovici, Vice President of the Romanian Society of Epidemiology: “It was found that the rules were not followed, in certain situations, at the vacation spots. Those people who did not follow the rules, some will get infected. They will return to their homes where they will surely generate cases”.

The capital once again leads the ranking of new cases. With 154 patients.

Dr. Adrian Marinescu: “The capital has a prominent place, because it has many busy areas, it is not necessary to go on vacation, you can go to busy areas of the capital. It is the same discussion that we are in the capital, where there may be a busy area, or that we are going to the seashore. Ultimately, it depends on individual behavior.”.

Marine currents favor the spread of the virus

Why should the sea, as long as the salt water does not facilitate the transmission of SARS-VOC-2 and the ultraviolet light destroys it?

Due to congestion, ignoring protection and distance measures, but also drafts.

The virus passes from one sick person to another through aerosols, which are released when we speak, laugh, breathe, or cough.

Adjunct Prof. Dr. Carmen Chifiriuc: “There are currents in the sea. These currents favor the rapid movement of aerosols and if you respect the distance you are still not protected. If someone coughs in the park 5 meters from you, one is if it is windy and fixed in your direction and another is if there are no currents.”.

Wind is therefore a problem in any open space where people do not wear a mask.
