
iPhone SE android

iPhone SE It is the latest phone model launched by Apple last month, and it is now heavily promoting it, including through the voice of its president, Tim Cook. In presenting the financial results for the first quarter of 2020, Tim Cook put the iPhone SE well above the Android phone models currently on the market and, from certain points of view, is correct in what he says to support the product.

iPhone SE It is praised by Apple President Tim Cook much faster than any of the Android phones on the market, and this is somewhat true. Compared to phones in its category, the iPhone SE is certainly much faster thanks to the A13 chip built into it, and this is a huge advantage, despite having a very old and ugly design that doesn’t equal it. level than the tax on competing phones.

iPhone SE: Tim Cook HARD ATTACK All Android phones

iPhone SE It is launched by Apple with the expectation of attracting new customers from users of Android operating system phones, and that is quite possible. iPhone SE is an iPhone 8 that has iPhone 11 components, and Apple believes that this combination, along with the much lower price, will appeal to many Android phone users who want something different, or have always wanted to buy something. the Apple

Tim Cook said the iPhone SE has excellent value and is “faster than the fastest Android phones.” I have always tried to deliver the best product at a good price. That fundamental strategy has not changed at all. As you know, I had an SE for a while. It’s great to bring it back, it was a well-liked product. I would read nothing more than the fact that we want to offer people the best offer we can make by making the best product. “

iPhone SE Tim Cook presents it as faster than the fastest Android phones, but the reality is that things are different because there are many Android phones that are faster than iPhones. On the other hand, the great attraction of the iPhone SE is the price, and here Apple is doing extremely well, and most likely it will manage to attract many new customers, more than probably Android, as it did. and the previous model.

iPhone SE already sold in stores around the world including Romania, the selling price from us is of course higher than in the US USA, but extremely close to that of other European countries.
