Ionuț Negoiță, message for the people of Pablo Cortacero


  • CONTEXT: Today, in the arena of Ștefan cel Mare, a GMS meeting took place. Important decisions included the promise of a capital increase of 5 million euros and the removal of Cornel Țălnar from the Board of Directors. Details HERE!
  • DDB fans considered everything as a masquerade and reacted harshly. Your message HERE!
  • This afternoon, at the Rhine Hotel, things degenerated and took a physical turn. A sympathizer was attacked by law enforcement officers paid by Cortacero. Details HERE!

Ionuț Negoiță, the former owner of Dinamo, declared himself outraged by the incidents and sent an ultimatum to the Spanish.

Dynamo is sitting on a powder keg! Negotiation, message for Cortacero

Spanish investors have long been looking for a location for the new clubhouse. All negotiations came to a halt at some point, for financial reasons, so the offices should have stayed at the Negoiță hotel until the end of the year.

The former owner of the “dogs” no longer accepts this and asked them to move as soon as possible. The contract expires at the end of the year, but Negoiță wants them to leave now, to avoid possible damage to their property.

Dinamo has a new Board of Directors: Țălnar, fired by Cortacero

Cornel Țălnar recently resigned from Spanish investors, and this cost him. Today he was removed from the Board of Directors and replaced by 3 trusted people from Cortacero’s entourage. They are Alex Couto, former CEO of Dinamo, Rufo Collado, sports director of the “dogs”, and a third Spaniard.

7 membersThe Board of Directors of Dinamo currently has: Constantin Eftimescu, Cristi Hîldan, Pablo Cortacero, Cornel Dinu, Alex Couto, Rufo Collado and another Spaniard

VIDEO Andrei Gerea, harsh reaction after the RIN scandal: “It is inadmissible! Pablo Cortacero has to go “

Read other news about Dinamo:

Unreal what was made public today about Mitea and the former Cătălin Botezatu. Andreea Tonciu hoped not to be

