Ionel Dancă, after the radical modification of the law on alertness: the PSD is waging the war that the Government is waging against the virus in a political field


“It is a serious gesture of everything that happens in Parliament from the majority controlled by the PSD because it is waging the war that the Government is waging against an extremely dangerous virus, a deadly virus, it is waging this war in a political, legal field and abstract, of which people do not understand anything, on the contrary, they question these politicians, including the seriousness of this epidemic and the real danger of infecting people and getting sick. It is an extremely serious fact to amputate a presented bill by the Government precisely to have at hand the legal instruments to be able to adopt the necessary measures, after the end of the state of emergency, so that we can get out of this period in a gradual strategy that people have patience tested, but all these measures are to save lives and people’s health must be a priority, “Ionel Dancă said on Digi 24 on Tuesday night.

Dancă says he hopes this bill will return to the form proposed by the Government, in the Chamber of Deputies.

“We hope that this bill resulting from the debates in the Senate will return and be completed in the version proposed by the Government, tomorrow in the Chamber of Deputies, that perhaps the night will be a good advisor for those politicians who are seeking electoral capital at the same time when this is totally inappropriate and absolutely absurd, “added Dancă.

When asked how he explains the Liberal vote in the Senate, Dancă said there will be a clarification.

“We are going to have a clarification on the vote expressed by our colleagues in the Senate. I do not have complete information, they probably wanted this bill to pass to the Senate as soon as possible and reach the Chamber of Deputies, which is a chamber of decision-making. decisions and to avoid a stalemate. Hoping that in the decision-making body this project can be largely maintained as proposed by the government. We hope that in the 12th hour, including the parliamentary majority controlled by the PSD, if the Senate has shown that it is not willing to rationally analyze the impact of these decisions it has made today, give an account, “Dancă also stated.

The state of alert law was adopted on Tuesday by the Senate with 111 votes “in favor”, 8 “against” and 15 abstentions. The legislative project sent by the Government has undergone changes in the commissions, the variant adopted by the Senate includes several articles proposed by the PSD.

The bill will reach the Chamber of Deputies, which is the decision-making body.

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