Ion Țiriac, unhappy with the 14% increase in pensions. “It means they are billionaires.”


The Romanian government has increased pensions since September 1 by 14%, but Ion Țiriac says he does not understand the Executive’s decision. “In 10 years, where do you get that 14% from?” He asked rhetorically during an interview.

“Brethren, with all due respect to retirees, I hear this with 20-year pensions! If pensions have been increasing for 20 years, it means these people are billionaires. Where are pensions increasing? What are you talking about? Matale says that it increases them by 14%. Tell me also: in 10 years, where do you get this 14% from? “Ion Țiriac declared for Gazeta Sportulor.

The businessman gave the example of France, which has raised the retirement age, and says Romanian politicians should think ahead.

“When he was François Mitterrand (na – socialist president of France, in office between 1981 and 1995), he raised the retirement age in France to 60 years. When President Sarkozy arrived, he said:” What the socialists have done is right But we’ve failed in 25 years! “We have no way of doing this. And he gave it back at 65 or 67.

And now I go back and say: where, how? What is the economy? I am not the Minister of Finance, nor do I manage my garden like the rest of the world, but everyone should think about the future, ”Țiriac continued.

Almost 5 million retirees, but also for the companions of people with disabilities benefit from the 14% increase in the pension point.

Experts from the Fiscal Council point out that the financial effort will exceed 13 billion lei by the end of 2021, given that the country’s economy is severely affected by the pandemic.

The pension point was 1,265 lei until September 1. With the increase of 14%, it increases by 177 lei and reaches 1,442 lei. Thus, pensions increase on average by 200 lei.

However, the minimum pension increases only by 96 lei, from 704 to 800 lei.

The Fiscal Council recommends a coherent strategy and a multi-year plan to consolidate the country’s budget, otherwise we will be paralyzed. Pensions should have increased by 40 percent since September 1, according to a law passed during the PSD government, but the crisis caused by the pandemic makes this increase impossible. It would have been difficult to achieve even under normal conditions, financial experts say.

Daniel Dăianu, President of the Fiscal Council: “In the coronavirus, we saw how we go from corner to corner that we do not have resources and that we are obliged to finance ourselves in the markets, to take out loans, so we have to think in perspective. You don’t have to increase taxes and fees. “

The impact of increasing pensions and allowances in Romania would be at least 13 billion lei. Exactly the public spending of the Romanian state in the first 7 months of 2020.
