Ion Țiriac disturbed by rising pensions – Comparison with the situation in France – News from the sources


In an interview with Gazeta Sportulor, Ion Țiriac expressed concern about the increase in pensions in Romania and considers that the measure would be unjustified. The Romanian billionaire makes a comparison with what happened in France several years ago.

“Brethren, with all due respect to retirees, I hear this with 20-year pensions! If pensions have been increasing for 20 years, it means these people are billionaires. Where are pensions increasing? What are you talking about? Matale says it increases them by 14% Tell me: in 10 years, where do you get this 14% from?

One of the greatest criminals in post-war history dies in hospital and helped kill more than 1.7 million people.

When he was François Mitterrand (na – Socialist president of France, in office between 1981 and 1995), he brought the retirement age in France to 60 years. When President Sarkozy arrived, he said: “What the Socialists have done is fine, but we have failed in 25 years!” We have no way of doing this. And he returned it at 65 or 67 years old.

And now I go back and say: where, how? What is the economy? I am not the finance minister, nor do I manage my garden like the rest of the world, but everyone should think ahead, ”said Ion Țiriac.
