Ion Cristoiu, SOMBRA prophecy for USR-PLUS: registers decline and risks of obtaining an even lower score – News from sources


Ion Cristoiu affirms that the reason for the fall of USRPLUS in the electorate options, product of the scores obtained in the European Parliament of 2019 and the local elections of September 27, is the indulgence shown by the leaders of the alliance with the habits of the Government of the PNL, against the radicalism expressed against the PSD.

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We reproduce in full the editorial published on

“The analysis of USRPLUS performance at the facilities as of September 27, 2020 faces some significant challenges:

1) Among the parties that participated in the election, USRPLUS was and is the most controversial. NLP and PSD have clear situations in the press. NLP is pampered from morning to night by almost all the press. PSD, on the other hand, is cottony. The few pro PSD sites and televisions suffer from the syndrome. It is a shame to appear in pro PSD. Consequently, the press declared the PNL as the winner of the elections and the PSD as the big loser.

In the case of USRPLUS, the situation is complicated by the ongoing controversy. The pro-NLP press avoided commenting on the USRPLUS results. The pro-PSD press also campaigned against USRPLUS after the elections. Although it has many journalists and influencers on its side, USRPLUS does not benefit from its own press.

2) USRPLUS candidates (some of them) achieved spectacular victories. Not so much for the score, but for the image of almighty opponents victors. Defeating barons like Nicolae Robu, George Scripcaru, Daniel Tudorache, USRPLUS candidates – Dominic Friz, Allen Coliban, Clotilde Armand were, after the elections, stars of all the press. One of the causes was that they entered the race as strangers. We are convinced that this is the cause, pointing out that, although he scored fantastic in a big city (78%), Constantin Toma de Buzau was neglected by the press. As long as he did not choose to be adopted by the NLP, Nicuşor Dan passed as the USRPLUS candidate and, as a consequence, was the star of these elections. The reduction of the results obtained by USRPLUS to a resounding victory in various parts of the country left lucid analysis, devoid of passion, in the background. The public opinion was created that the winner of these elections is USRPLUS. As few people make their convictions beyond reading the headlines alone, I am sure that USRPLUS ranks first after these elections.

3) USRPLUS is in the third post-December electoral examination. He ran for the first time in the European Parliament on May 26, 2019. For the second time in the presidential elections on November 10, 2019. Since USRPLUS has so far only competed in the European Parliament and the 2019 presidential elections, the Commenter has no chance to postpone results now. (as in the case of PSD and PNL) in the thirty years after December.

Judging the results obtained by USRPLUS in the 2020 facilities and, obviously, prophesying the results of the MPs can be done correctly just by taking into account the figures.

In the local elections on September 27, USR (in partnership with PLUS) obtained the following score:

In the general council of Bucharest – 26.98%.

Voting in the country’s municipalities: 9.75%.

Voting in county councils by country: 8.89%,

These results must be mainly related to the results obtained in the two 2019 elections.

In the European Parliament elections on May 26, 2019, USRPLUS obtained 22.36% of the votes.

The USRPLUS candidate in the presidential election on November 10, 2019, Dan Barna, obtained 15.02% of the votes, ranking third.

Another point of information is the credit granted by the surveys:

IMAS survey commissioned by Europa FM, Aug 31: USR-PLUS Alliance – 18.3%

COURSE survey, conducted between August 28 and September 4: USR-PLUS – 16%.

Avangarde survey, conducted between September 3 and 7: USR-PLUS – 17%.

IMAS survey, commissioned by Europa FM carried out during September 7023: USR-PLUS – 17%.

Some conclusions:

1. USRPLUS has received incredible pampering from survey houses. The figure was around 17%. He got around 9% in the political vote. 8% less. The disproportion, compromised for opinion polls, is explained by the fashionable position of the USRPLUS party. To lead the formation, it was a poison in the form of drugs. It was lived in the pleasant swing of the exaggerated score of all the sound houses.

2) Compared with the two previous results, the result of the political vote is unsatisfactory. Almost 9% means 13% less than in May 2019 and less than 6% compared to the presidential elections. It is clear that we are witnessing a USRPLUS crash after the moment of excitement in May 2019.

The process is very simple.

Until May 26, 2019, USRPLUS was the most radical anti-PSD party. PSD was harassed from the charges A different policy.

In October 2019 he came to the PNL Government. It wasn’t long before NLP shared all the weaknesses of the PSD, radically criticized by USRPLUS:

Last resort, promotion as dignitaries of indisputable incompetent, involvement in the business of corruption, stubborn arrogance, the formation and development of a chamber in nothing different from that of the PSD governments, attacking democratic institutions, bribing the press.

Fallen into Opposition, PSD could no longer cultivate these habits. Also, PSD took a back seat.

USRPLUS is fascinated with the different policy program. I have written about the aspiration of many Romanians towards a different policy countless times.

As relentless as USRPLUS was with the habits of the PSD governments, it was equally forgiving of the habits of the NLP government.

The brilliant victories of some USRPLUS candidates were recovered by the vigorous denunciation of the old-fashioned habits of the local NLP barons.

At the central level, this radicalism was lacking. The NLP government was not denounced for a moment by Dan Barna and Dacian Cioloş in the proportions in which the local barons were denounced. The best example is still the case of Iasi. Cosette Chichirău, one of the members of the USR most ruthless with the old habits of the parties, confronted Mihai Chirica, who went from PSD to NLP. This obvious road case was not the subject of a Bucharest campaign. Nothing that Cosette Chichirau did in the fight with Baron PNL Chirica was assumed and placed at the national level by the central leadership. At the training level, USRPLUS did not stand out in the Law as a promoter of a different way of doing politics. This explains the score almost four times higher than the USRPLUS score obtained by NLP. The right-wing electorate who went to the polls did not see in USRPLUS a special variant of NLP. What is my NLP, what is my USRPLUS? And then the NLP voted.

Part of the right-wing electorate would have gone to the polls to pursue a different policy.

USRPLUS did not offer you this opportunity.

The absence of criticism of the PNL Government by a party that was still in the Opposition caused USRPLUS to become a partner of the Government.

USRPLUS will run for parliament. If in the next period he does not dissociate himself from NLP (an issue that must be resolved is that of Nicusor Dan’s frenetic NLP), if he does not consider NLP as the main opponent, because he shares the same electorate with NLP, manifesting as a true party of the Opposition, USRPLUS runs the risk of obtaining a score that will keep it away from Power for a long time ”.

NOTE: This editorial is taken in its entirety from
