Ion Cristoiu, harsh accusations against Iohannis: ‘What made him appear at press conferences after six years of regret in Cotroceni’s lair?’ – News by sources


Ion Cristoiu affirms that the recent habit of President Klaus Iohannis to hold weekly press conferences stems from the desire to obtain absolute power in Romania by winning by an overwhelming majority the parliamentary elections on December 6 for the PNL, “My Party”.

We reproduce in full the editorial published on

The answer concerns Klaus Iohannis’s devastating ambition to finally have absolute power in Romania. And this absolute power means for Klaus Iohannis obtaining in parliament (which must be maintained at any price, even with the one on December 6, 2020 to leave not the houses, but the grave!) By NLP, practically My Party, more than one presidential party, with an overwhelming majority.

Klaus Iohannis wows the public by holding a weekly press conference on July 15, 2020, usually scheduled for Wednesday at 6:00 p.m.

In other countries with established democracies, such a moment would not have sparked any public outcry. Political leaders, led by the president, have the right to inscribe on the flag of their struggle the essential truth of the rule of law:

The dignitaries, all those who are in public service, that is, paid by the citizens through taxes and duties, report to the People at every moment of their mandate.

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Hence a reality typical of advanced democracies: press conferences, press interviews, press releases. The press remains undoubtedly the representative of public opinion in relation to dignitaries. Therefore, whenever public opinion is stirred by a question, by a perplexity about a dignitary and not only about his professional life, but also about his personal life, the dignitary seeks to explain himself through the press. Even when the press avoids the issue for various reasons, the dignitary must provoke an explanation through the press.

For six years, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis was the first and only post-December dignitary who refused to submit to the democratic law of accountability to the people.

With the exception of two (recorded) interviews from the first months of the first quarter, Klaus Iohannis did not give any interviews to the Romanian press. For a time he arranged an interview with a foreign publication through SIE. It was a challenge to the national press, treated as second-hand press to the foreign press, but hey, since the interview was reproduced in our press, I could say that, better than nothing. And these interviews were few and far between and were limited to the beginning of the first trimester. During the six years of his mandate in Romania and in the world there were a thousand and one events that demanded a position from Klaus Iohannis. None of them were the subject of a press conference or an interview. All the efforts of the press to find out what the president thinks about a certain internal or external event, about a certain scandal, were hit by the security protection provided by Lucian Pahonţu’s SPP. Worse still, Klaus Iohannis imposed an incredible Stalinist secret on all the institutions of the force. George Maior, former director of the SRI, gave press conferences, gave extensive and convincing interviews, in a word he obeyed the democratic law of transparency regarding the Secret Services. Eduard Hellvig, director of the SRI, did not grant an interview. If we hadn’t known him since he was a politician, we wouldn’t think he existed. Gabriel Vlase has been director of the SIE for two years. During this period, he did not appear before public opinion for at least a moment. Is the activity of the SIE, the Secret Service kept for taxes and duties, so secret that the director of the SIE remains a faceless man to Romanians?

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Since March 10, 2020, Klaus Iohannis has been holding press conferences. At first they were extraordinary, triggered by the pandemic. Like the messages, they focused on exceptional events in the fight against the pandemic. More recently, since July 15, Klaus Iohannis has been holding a press conference every Wednesday. It’s already sixteen. Press conferences have entered the presidential routine. Wednesday is about this routine.

What made Klaus Iohannis appear at press conferences after six years painting in Cotroceni’s lair?

The awareness of the duty of accountability to the Romanian people in the position of dignitary who enjoys the privileges paid for with taxes and duties of citizens?

No way.

The press conferences in Cotroceni are a banal mimic of the actual press confrontations of the dignitaries of the true democracies.

The sixteen weekly press meetings have some common characteristics:

1. Those who ask questions are usually the same. With minor exceptions, sieves are considered in newsrooms: fătuce, guguştiuci. If Dan Tapalaga and Iosif Blube did not come from time to time, I would say that opinion leaders, editors-in-chief, media stars, in a word, those who should participate in the Cotroceni fair, are not seen on Wednesday. . Many sites and televisions are missing. They don’t want to send editors to ask questions of the president considering the press conference is a waste of time? Don’t have enough employees to be able to do without one of the newsrooms?

2. Many questions are miserable statements for the president or speeches that make Klaus Iohannis happy, because he attacks the PSD. These questions are arranged by the Cotroceni councilors with certain journalists, generally among those accredited to the Presidency. In order not to smell the arrangement, those appointed to ask questions such as “Isn’t it …?” switch from one conference to another. The manipulation of those who attend the press conference is seen in the strange absence of questions that dominate public opinion at some point. Nicusor Dan’s convocation to Cotroceni has been a taboo subject in press conferences until now.

3. Press conferences are parodies of the actual press conferences held by a dignitary in genuine democracies by the rule imposed on journalists to ask only one question. Media professionals know that the obligation to ask a single question, without the possibility of the follow-up question, the enlightening question, gives the dignitary the opportunity to hit the fields, to lie face to face, to turn it around. Klaus Iohannis’ sixteen press conferences are typical of what I would call making you answer questions from the press, that you are accountable to the people. The typical formula for holding the dignitary accountable to the public remains the interview. If the dignitary does not answer a question convincingly, the author of the interview can return with the same question, he can warn the dignitary that he is hitting the fields. This is why Klaus Iohannis prefers press conferences in which journalists are forbidden a second question rather than a live interview, never recorded. Of course, if we had an independent press from Cotroceni, those present at the press conferences could successively return to the question to which the president avoided answering or would tell him live that they do not agree with this coercion. The normal thing would be that the journalists sent to Cotroceni were not employees of some magnates who fear death so as not to upset the captain of the Prosecutor’s Office.

Why has Klaus Iohannis held weekly press conferences for some time after slapping the press for six years?

The answer concerns Klaus Iohannis’s devastating ambition to finally have absolute power in Romania. And this absolute power means for Klaus Iohannis obtaining in parliament (which must be maintained at any price, even with the one on December 6, 2020 to leave not the houses, but the grave!) By NLP, practically Mi Party, more than one presidential party, with an overwhelming majority. For Klaus Iohannis, winning the elections for the NLP means going from current partial power to local power. It is easy to imagine the power that Klaus Iohannis will have when he has, in addition to My Mayors, My Presidents of the County Councils, My Government and My Parliament. You already have the system of police institutions. The conquest of absolute power means not only the taking by Klaus Iohannis of the local administration, the Parliament, the Government, the System of institutions of force, but also the taking of the typical institutions of the rule of law. The Ombudsman, CCR, Public Radio, Public Television, will be yours. And not only as tools to carry out your policy, but also as places where you will locate your political clientele. The huge withdrawal of ambassadors was not due to the need for a fundamental change in our diplomacy. It was destined to create many vacancies in diplomacy. When his power is full, Klaus Iohannis will give gifts to the political clientele more like a Santa Claus. This incredible ambition faces the weaknesses of the NLP as a ruling party and as a competing party. NLP alone cannot bring Klaus Iohannis the transition from partial power to full power. For this reason, the president decided to get involved in the PNL electoral campaign, both at the local and parliamentary level.

For this you need pretexts to appear in the public space where you can vote. Cotroceni press conferences are the ideal tool to campaign for free, through all the press, in favor of NLP.

NOTE: This editorial is taken in its entirety from
