Ion Cristoiu exploded: ‘It is a disaster. Exit from the catastrophic health crisis’ – News by sources


Journalist and publicist Ion Cristoiu says that although the government has adopted a state-of-the-alert bill to be sent to parliament, the decision came incredibly late. MEDIAFAX announces that authorities are desperately looking for a relaxation model to imitate.

Journalist and publicist Ion Cristoiu says that although the government passed a state of alert law to be sent to parliament, the decision came incredibly late, noting that all the craziness created a few days before the emergency exit shows that authorities are seeking desperately a model of relaxation to imitate.

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Ion Cristoiu says that the measures announced by the rulers, which are small compared to the pressure of the economy and the expectations of the people, have already been taken by many western states.

“These decisions should have been announced a week ago. They are aimed at people who have to make life plans and I think they confuse the end of the state of emergency with the beginning of the state of fun. No, it is slowly returning to normal, and for that I need to know a week or two in advance. It was normal not to make proposals on the Vela website. The government had to come up with a plan of measures prepared for people to make life plans, “said the journalist.

Ion Cristoiu points out that, although there are still some days until May 15, we do not have a clear decision on the relaxation measures, but only proposals and a bill.

“We don’t know anything about May 15. These are departmental proposals. The proposals were to be announced by the head of state or prime minister at an extraordinary press conference with Vela and Raed Arafat and discussed. I’m not saying it was vital to consult with those who benefit from these measures. The carriers make both mouths and mouths. They were not consulted by the Government and all the measures announced are uneconomical, “stressed the publicist.

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In his opinion, the decision on relaxation measures should come from the political factor, which takes into account all other areas, not just medical ones.

“The government has taken sanitary measures, not economic ones. They must be combined so that economic life can be revived. Economic life cannot be governed by medical bureaucrats. The decision is made by the political factor that takes others into account, not only to the doctors. If you take into account the doctors, do not leave the house or go directly to the cemetery. It is your right to demand, dramatize, apocalypse, but the decision is made by the political factor taking into account the others who have companies ” said the journalist.

Ion Cristoiu also launches a series of questions related to these proposals, which have not clarified, at least until now, a series of problems, such as monitoring compliance with sanitary measures during the alert state.

“So we don’t have until now, it’s Monday, no safe decision has been announced, not even the one with the masks.” It is approved in the bill, but do we know if it will be approved in Parliament? I don’t know if the project is provided, if I don’t wear a mask in the store, what happens? It is very important who and how it controls companies on a legal basis to see if they meet the conditions. If you open a barber shop, who gives your approval? DSP? You open it with or without approval, because you need an opinion, “said the journalist.

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Ion Cristoiu also generates an alarm signal regarding the possibility of abuse if these controls will be carried out by the Public Health or Police Directorate and emphasizes that the impression of disorder these days is given by the lack of a relaxation model for rulers. can imitate

“If the activity of companies, of Romanian capitalism, will depend on state institutions such as DSP or Militia, we have gone to hell, because they will start abusing again. From this point of view it is a disaster. Exiting the health crisis will be catastrophic in Romania because we have nothing to imitate. Although in terms of restrictions, it was a unique model, with little nuances, that is, it was everywhere in the houses, it was not allowed, it was easy to do. Now there is no longer a unique model to imitate, every great power we imitate has its nuances, its differences. And that’s why ours do not. I don’t know who to imitate. Instead of imitating ourselves, instead of having our own version, depending on the conditions, the Romanian spirit, the state of health, the fact that we did not have so many victims. Probably now it is crazy to imitate Cotroceni and Victoria Palace. This is where the disaster comes from. It has not been decided yet. In imitating “, concluded the journalist.
