Ion Cristoiu announces PRĂPĂD: The government resulting from the parliamentary elections will have to face a triple crisis – News from sources


Ion Cristoiu assures that the Government resulting from the parliamentary elections will have to face a triple Crisis: Health, Economic and Meteorological. That is why a legitimate government is needed, the result of parliamentary elections and with a stable majority in Parliament, according to Mediafax.

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The publicist Ion Cristoiu affirms that the triple crisis that Romanians will face in the next period – health, economic and meteorological – requires a legitimate government, the result of the parliamentary elections, so that the competing parties must have in the government program solutions to manage these big problems.

We reproduce in full the editorial published on

“After I wrote about USRPLUS’s push to put the Government Program first, and found myself on the street, a reader wanted to inform me:

– Know that for the parliamentarian I removed USRPLUS from the list!

The reader, as far as I knew, was a convinced anti-PSD member. Employed after December 1989 only in the private sector, he once told me that the misfortune of this nation has been in his habit of decades of PSD rule with handouts from the state. There must also be a Government that has the hysterical courage to put Romanians to work, leaving us face to face with the capitalist mechanism of Through Ourselves. By ourselves, that is, managing without thinking for a moment that, if necessary, the State will jump to our aid, like a rich uncle in America.

– What do you have with USRPLUS? That I bother you? I asked him, knowing that he was sympathetically following the party’s efforts for a different policy in Romania for the annual fair.

– What do I have? the passionate answered me. Well, how to put the Laws of Justice as the main point of the Government Program when it is obvious that Romania will have to cross in the next period and not for a week, not for a month, but for a year, a year and something like that. , Pandemic and pandemic economic disaster cyclone. Or as you say, Romania entered the Third World War like all European countries. And if the country is at war, I want to know from a political party what program it has to win the war and then rebuild the country after the war. You should have read something like this in the Program of a party that wants to rule Romania after December 6, 2020, and not about how it will fix what damaged the PSD in the field of Justice! Of course, this objective is also important and a right-wing party must pass it on the program, but in the middle and not in the front line. Because any government that is after December 6, 2020 must fully focus on exiting Romania with some security from World War III.

I told the reader that I agree with this observation. It is silly to announce to Romanians that their main concern after coming to power will be to change the Laws of Justice when the health situation could get so bad that only the Laws of Justice will not burn the Romanian.

On the way home, I thought about what the reader told me about USRPLUS. And I realized that it was unfair to the party led by Cioloş-Barna. Because USRPLUS is not the only party that does not say a word in the Pandemic Governance Program. Practically, none of the parties that made their electoral program known present to the Romanians their offer regarding the management of the Health Crisis and obviously the Economic Crisis. All programs overlook an indisputable truth:

Beyond the infrastructure, the increase in pensions, the reform of the state, the change of the Laws of Justice and the Change of the ICR and the Ombudsman’s Office, any party that wins the elections will have to resolve not later, but on the march, in parallel with the formation of the Majority Coalition. problems caused by the Pandemic and at the same time by the deadly impact of the Health Crisis on the economy. And it is an attention that will not be limited to a week, a month, but a year if not more. The war with the Pandemic and the Economic Crisis will dominate the daily life of Romanians after December 6, 2020. In fact, elections must take place on December 6, 2020, not because Democracy demands it, as Klaus Iohannis does not sleeps, but because it demands it. lifetime. Romania in the next period will face the pandemic, the economy and the winter. This unique cocktail in the post-December due to the concentration of difficulties, requires a legitimate government, obtained through elections, a government that benefits from a strong parliamentary majority. Only such a government could manage the triple crisis that is announced: Health, Economic and Meteorological.

Therefore, all the competing parties must present in their Government Programs, at the forefront, how they will handle the Triple Crisis. This is because the solutions cannot be the same for all parties. In all the problems posed by the Health Crisis, the Economic Crisis and the Meteorological Crisis, each party has its own solutions. And these solutions must be faced in the electoral campaign. Some will be for widespread and long-term lockdown measures. Others, for accepting relaxation measures. Some will be, as regards the economic crisis, to stimulate consumption through aid to each citizen in the form of hundreds of dollars that the White House sends to each American, others to stimulate companies.

In the perspective of the elections, Romanians must know what awaits them after December 6, 2020 if one party or another comes to power. The vote must be informed.

And in the conditions of the war at the end of 2020, knowing the cause means knowing the offer of each party regarding the Triple Crisis: Health, Economic, Meteorological.
