Iohannis’s call to Romanians: “May 15 is an administrative deadline. Unfortunately, the epidemic is not over!”


President Klaus Iohannis declared on Saturday in Târgu Mureş that the state of emergency expires in a week, but this does not mean that the epidemic has ended.

Klaus Iohannis, along with Prime Minister Ludovic Orban, visited the Covid-19 Medical Support Unit in Târgu Mureş, saying that this is practically an external section of the hospital.

“We are here, in the beautiful municipality of Târgu Mureș, in a medical support unit built in a multipurpose room. Basically, it is an external section of the hospital. I came here because I want to emphasize two things. First, the fact that This external medical unit was made through the collaboration of various authorities, a very good example of collaboration both in the plan and with the central authorities. This multipurpose room transformed into a support unit will be operational in a few days. “Iohannis said.

Iohannis: The epidemic is not over!

President Klaus Iohannis reiterated that although the state of emergency will end on May 15, the Covid-19 epidemic will continue and that people must remain vigilant.

The second problem: Unfortunately, the epidemic is among us. We still have today, you’ve probably seen the data, over 300, 320 new cases, and I want to draw attention to something I found. The state of emergency expires in a week. Unfortunately, this does not mean that the epidemic is over! The epidemic is among us. We must be very careful that when we can move a little more freely we do not have an explosion of new infections. There are simple rules: we have to keep our distance, we have to wear a mask, we have to wash our hands very often, we have to take better care of each of us and those with whom we interact. “Iohannis specified.

The president added that May 15 is just an administrative deadline, but that the epidemic unfortunately does not appear to be receding.

“So once again May 15 is just an administrative deadline, when the state of emergency ends, but unfortunately the epidemic doesn’t seem to be in retreat. Very well looked after, dear Romanians, so we don’t kick everything! that we have done in the last two months with great sacrifices! And I know that each of you has had to endure difficult things in this state of emergency. I wish you all good health! “President Klaus Iohannis said.

Romania will abandon the state of emergency after May 15, when it will go into a state of alert.

The INSP announced on Saturday the proposal on the set of relaxation measures to be applied after the lifting of the state of emergency.

The document includes measures that will apply from May 15.
