Iohannis: We may have 2-3 types of vaccines at the beginning of the year, maybe even 4


President Klaus Iohannis stated that Romania could have two types of vaccines against Covid-19 early next year, of the 3 or 4 that will be available at the European level.

At this time, we know for a fact that there are several vaccine variants that are in the advanced testing-approval phase and it is very possible that early next year have 2-3 types, maybe even 4 types of shots, everything works fine. “- Klaus Iohannis said after Monday’s visit to the Bucharest Emergency Hospital.

The head of state said that the first doses will be used for doctors and patients with dangerous diseases in combination with Covid-19.

“It is very likely that we will have one or two vaccines available to us in Romania since the beginning of the year. Of course, we are talking about the first deliveries, which, however, will be enough to vaccinate all medical personnel in Romania, most of them patients with diseases that have been shown to be dangerous in the combination of Sars-Cov-2 and I think this is very good news. “ – President Klaus Iohannis also said.

Iohannis: vaccines are effective and safe

President Klaus Iohannis said he was convinced of the success of the vaccination campaign against the new coronavirus and said the vaccines were “effective” and “safe.”

“Already this week I intend to visit a vaccination center and in this way the world will see that we are not talking about a theory, but about a practical approach. So, in our country, the vaccination campaign will be a success and although there are those who comment that perhaps the vaccine is I don’t know how, I assure you that the vaccines that are produced now, for this campaign, are effective, safe and one thing that I believe What is important to know: vaccination is not mandatory. , but I am convinced that with the results that we will obtain in the first months, almost everyone will be convinced of the safety of these vaccines and will want to be vaccinated and thus we will simply end the pandemic. This are very good news“said the head of state.

Statements by President Klaus Iohannis:

“Today is the feast of San Andrés and, this time, let me say to everyone“ Happy birthday! ”And I wish you good health.

It is a special party for us Romanians and this time, being a beautiful party, I think it is very good to direct our thoughts towards those who do worse than us. I am thinking especially today of the sick, but with a very special note, and in fact this is what I wanted to emphasize with my visit here today, I am thinking of the doctors and all the medical personnel who care for sick people. Through today’s visit to the University Emergency Hospital, I wanted to emphasize that it is good to see and appreciate the work of the doctors and the work of the medical staff, in a broader sense, of us.

Today I saw an extraordinarily well organized hospital, and this time I want to congratulate the two doctors who accompanied me, the manager, the medical director, and all the staff here. A hospital that managed to start from a complicated situation that existed here in March and to start working perfectly. Although there are people without COVID and people with COVID in the hospital, they have managed to separate the flows remarkably and the hospital now operates almost as if it is pandemic free.

It is absolutely remarkable and I very much want this example to be taken further, but I also want this example to be used when, together with the Minister of Health, we build the entire reform of the health system. After the elections, I have said it before and I am very determined to continue, after the elections with a new parliamentary majority, with a government strongly supported by Parliament, I am convinced that we can implement a reform of this type that will give a whole and completely different from the entire health system in Romania, but what I saw today confirms me, it reconfirms me, I don’t know how many times we have very high performance people in our hospitals, very well organized, people dedicated 100% to work that make .

It is a ray of light that I expressly emphasize today and it gives me the conviction that we will succeed in making the Romanian health system a system of remarkable performance for our entire region.

If you have any questions, please! “

Questions and answers session:

Journalist: Mr. President, we all know that we will overcome the pandemic more easily with the help of the COVID vaccine. Since there are specialists who tell us that the vaccine could arrive in Romania in December, other specialists that it would arrive in January, there are also specialists who tell us that a single dose will be necessary, others that you will have that we have to do every year such as flu, after your discussions with the representatives of the European Commission, what can you tell us that we know for sure at this time about the anti-COVID vaccine?

President Klaus Iohannis: “At the moment, we know for a fact that there are several types of vaccines that are in the advanced stages of approval of tests and it is very possible that by the beginning of next year we will have two or three, maybe even four types of vaccines, all of which they work fine.

It is very likely that we will have one or two vaccines available in Romania since the beginning of the year. Of course, we are talking about the first quotas, which will be enough to vaccinate all medical personnel in Romania, most of the patients with diseases that have proven to be dangerous in combination with SARS-CoV-2 and I think this is very good news. We all start from the premise that mass vaccination can take place sometime in the spring, but it is clear that we have to wait a bit to have the exact description of each vaccine, so that the doctors decide who receives which vaccine, because the effect is optimal. But in recent weeks we have taken important steps to strengthen the Vaccination Strategy, it has already been approved by the Government. It will also be approved this week at CSAT. We are ready!

Already this week I intend to visit a vaccination center and in this way people will see that we are not talking about a theory, but a practical approach. So, in our country, the vaccination campaign will be a successful campaign and although there are those who comment that perhaps the vaccine is I do not know how, I assure you that the vaccines that are produced now, for this campaign, are effective, safe and a lo which I think is important to know: vaccination is not mandatory, but I am convinced that due to the results that we will obtain in the first months, almost everyone will be convinced of the safety of these vaccines and will want to be vaccinated in this way we will simply end up with the pandemic. So this is all very good news.

Journalist: Mr. President, I want to ask you if you are considering enacting a law to reopen the markets.

The President of Romania: The market reopening law has not reached me. If you have any further questions.

Journalist: Mr. President, given that many towns are still in quarantine, have you thought that you can estimate the turnout in Sunday’s elections?

The President of Romania: “Yes, it is somewhat difficult to estimate what participation we will have at the polls. There are some interpretations from sociologists, but let me tell you, very honestly, that I want a lot of participation. These are high-risk choices. We are electing Parliament for the next four years, four years in which we want to implement important reforms and we need significant political stability. It is clear from all the polls that the PSD will stay out of the political decision, and should stay there, but otherwise, of course, it also depends on how people go to the polls. But when it comes to quarantine, let me tell you that there is no discrimination for voters, nor for cities or towns that are quarantined. Whether you live in a city that has low incidence or if you live in a city that is in quarantine, everyone has the same right to go to the polls, you have exactly the same possibilities, the polling stations will be prepared everywhere, everyone will be respected the conditions for the voting to be carried out with maximum security and therefore I invite Romanians to go to the polls in large numbers. “

Journalist: Somehow you have thought about measures for those who come from another locality, but at the moment live in another locality and want to vote, even calling their mobile ballot box, but I cannot do it because the legislation does not Enable. How were they going to vote?

The President of Romania: “The Central Electoral Office has analyzed and continues to analyze all situations and has so far found solutions for all situations. I am convinced that there will be no obstacles for absolutely anyone. Any Romanian who wants to vote, and I hope there are as many as possible, can do so safely “.

Journalist: Mr. President, do we expect an increase in the number of infections after the parliamentary elections? In the local elections we saw that contagions increased.

The President of Romania: “We do not expect an increase in the number of infections or in the rate of contagion after the parliamentary elections, for a very simple reason: we are well prepared, we know how we prepare for the local elections, it worked very well then and it will work. much better, because we processed all the cases that were to be processed and fortunately there were very few of the premises. Let me tell you that this increase was not due to local elections. The local elections were held at a time when the number of cases around the world, and especially in Europe, was increasing from week to week. The municipal elections were held with maximum security and no one was infected because they went to the polls, people were infected because they did not respect all the rules that were in force at the time. In the meantime, we have stricter measures and we see that many Romanians respect them. This is extraordinarily good news. On the other hand, the medical security of the polling stations will be better this time than in the local ones. So no, we don’t expect an increase in the infection rate after parliament. “

Journalist: I wanted to ask you by what criteria did you choose the Romanians who will be awarded tomorrow for special merits?

The President of Romania: “As every time on National Day, I adorn people with special merits, the entire team of the Presidential Administration, together with the Ministries, is working on these proposals and at the end of a month of work on the selection of proposals, review and promotion of people deserving. it ends with the decoration that will take place tomorrow ”.

Journalist: Mr. President, you said that today, being a holiday, is a good opportunity to think about the sick. I take this opportunity to have the Minister of Health by your side, to ask you what is happening to the patients who are now in tents? I say they are very cold, are there solutions for them? Are we thinking of them?

The President of Romania:We work on solutions. Even today we talk about these situations and it is clear that we cannot leave people in tents in winter that do not have enough heating. Together with the Minister, solutions are already being worked out and I am sure that in the shortest possible time there will be no more patients sitting in a tent in the cold. Thank you! Once again, I wish you all “Happy Birthday” and good health! “

On Sunday, President Klaus Iohannis visited the call center of the Bucharest Public Health Directorate installed in the National Arena.
