Iohannis announced in Chisinau a massive support package for the Republic of Moldova, including up to 200,000 doses of anti-Covid vaccine


The President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, declared in Chisinau, where she received Klaus Iohannis, that from this moment begins “a new stage in bilateral cooperation” with Romania. For his part, Klaus Iohannis stressed that Romania is and will continue to be the sincere friend and main partner of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. In this sense, he announced a new support package for our country that includes up to 200,000 doses of Covid vaccine.

The two heads of state issued a joint press release.

The main statements of President Maia Sandu

“From today, Moldova and Romania re-enter into a natural, fraternal and open interaction. Today, I say with confidence, we embark on a new stage of bilateral cooperation, which will benefit the citizens of both states.

Romania has been with Moldova since the first day of independence. You’ve been with us, for better or for worse.

Tens of thousands of children and young people studied in Romanian secondary schools and universities and were welcomed into their homes.

At the end of the year, Romania offered Moldova a very generous supply of equipment for the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. The citizens of Moldova still need help to get out of the economic and health crisis.

We are happy with the opening of Romania to offer vaccines to Moldova as soon as possible

Romania is the most important trading partner of Moldova. I highlight our openness to Romanian investments. That is why it is so important to reform the judiciary and to fight effectively against corruption.

We will also have to overcome the effects of the economic crisis. And here we have the support of Romania.

Moldova and Romania have a common language, history, and culture. I hope to be successful in the next few years to build road and rail bridges over the Prut.

I want to organize a business forum. These desideratives are found in the joint statement adopted today, through which we express our determination to deepen cooperation and act together to achieve common goals, ”said Maia Sandu.

Speech by President Klaus Iohannis

‘I am glad to be here today, in Chisinau, with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Maia Sandu, whom I would like to congratulate and on this occasion emphasize how important is the victory she obtained in the presidential elections on November 15. of 2020. I can even say that it is a victory of historical importance.

I am pleased to be the first guest received by President Maia Sandu after taking office.

It is undoubtedly a confirmation of the special relationship between Romania and the Republic of Moldova, based on the community of language, culture and history and based on the Strategic Association for European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, whose signature we celebrate ten years in April 2020..

I am pleased that this visit to Chisinau takes place in the context of a massive vote of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova in favor of the implementation of democratic reforms, in accordance with the values ​​of European integration.

This clear vote in favor of the reforms is a sign of the direction in which citizens want the Republic of Moldova to go.

I hope that all the political forces of the Republic of Moldova understand this clear signal and do not act in the opposite direction.

Only through the full implementation of the reforms undertaken through the Association Agreement concluded with the European Union, can the Republic of Moldova become a truly European, prosperous, stable and resilient state.

Respect for democratic principles and values, a consolidated rule of law, an independent judiciary, and the effective fight against corruption are the elements on which the prosperity and stability of the States of the European Union are built.

Without the acquisition of these elements at the state level, through reforms, Moldova will not be able to have a harmonious and sustainable development. Romania wants the Republic of Moldova to prosper and its citizens to enjoy strong and democratic institutions capable of ensuring their safety and well-being.

With the same strength and conviction as before, we will pursue the maintenance and promotion of the Republic of Moldova as a priority issue on the agenda of the European Union and the Member States of the European Union, as well as strengthening the support of the Union. European to the Republic of Moldova.

I would especially like to point out that Romania is and will remain the sincere friend and the main partner of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova. My presence here today, the selfless investments made by Romania and the important help that Romania has provided in the last year for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrate this.

We are with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Ms. Maia Sandu, and we are ready to provide all necessary assistance for the successful implementation of her reform program and for the management of the multiple crises facing the Republic of Moldova.

In this regard, I am pleased to announce a new support package from Romania for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova.

Through this support package, Romania considers the following:

– Conclude as soon as possible the Sixth Additional Protocol to the Bilateral Subsidy Agreement for a value of 100 million euros, in order to extend the validity of the Agreement and expand the areas of cooperation; therefore, we will be able to continue and expand the successful bilateral assistance programs so far;

Supporting the COVID-19 vaccination process of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova, providing up to 200,000 doses of vaccine and the dispatch to Chisinau, in the next stage, of a team of Romanian experts, who will share Romania’s experience and help to prepare the vaccination strategy; however, close cooperation and participation of the specialized authorities of the Republic of Moldova is necessary;

– Romania will provide, as it has done before, medicines, medical and protective equipment for the care of COVID-19 patients;

– At the same time, I know how affected the farmers were. That is why Romania is considering support to farmers in the Republic of Moldova granting as foreign aid an amount of diesel of approximately 6,000 tons.

– We will continue to support strengthen civil society and the independence of the media in the Republic of Moldova, by making, in 2021, a new financial contribution, at least equivalent to the one made in November 2020, of 250,000 euros respectively;

– We will initiate a deep cooperation in justice and the fight against corruption;

– We also have in mind sign as soon as possible the Protocol of cooperation in the field of education for the period 2021-2025, that it will allow us to continue supporting the reform process of the educational system in the Republic of Moldova, as well as the granting of scholarships, with and without scholarships, in state pre-university and higher education;

– At the same time, I took note of the fact that, on December 22, it was approved in the Republic of Moldova. initiate negotiations for the Agreement on Mutual Recognition of Diplomas, Certificates and Scientific and Didactic Scientific Instruments.

We hope that the signing of the Agreement will take place as soon as possible so that the citizens of the Republic of Moldova can benefit from its provisions.

In addition, the Romanian Ministry of National Defense will transfer to the Republic of Moldova a separate donation of medicines and equipment designed to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

I agreed with President Maia Sandu that it is important continuation of joint strategic interconnection projects, especially in areas such as energy, road and rail infrastructure, communications.

We talk about the need to continue, safely, Romanian investments in the Republic of Moldova and I assured the President that we are fully available to make investments for the benefit of all citizens of the Republic of Moldova, regardless of the geographical area where they live, the language spoken, the denomination or the political orientation, as we have done so far.

We agree to work together to Strengthening of the linguistic, cultural and historical community between Romania and the Republic of Moldova. and for the promotion of the common cultural heritage, which is an integral part of the European heritage.

At the same time, during the discussions, we underlined the great importance that Romania attaches to the resolution of the conflict in the Transnistrian region with respect for the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Moldova and, especially, without affecting its pro-European future.

To continue our dialogue, I invited President Maia Sandu to make an official visit to Bucharest.

Today, we jointly adopt a Joint Declaration that aims to strengthen our strategic partnership.

The declaration reaffirms the special bilateral relationship on the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Strategic Association for European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, as well as the commitment of the Republic of Moldova to follow the European path and implement the necessary democratic reforms in this sense.

I am convinced that the inauguration of the presidential mandate by Maia Sandu will be the starting point to deepen bilateral cooperation, in the spirit of the European aspirations of the Republic of Moldova, leading to its affirmation as a modern, European and democratic State. , in accordance with the legitimate expectations of its citizens. . Count on, Madam President, with my help and that of Romania! “Klaus Iohannis said.

At the end of the statements, Maia Sandu offered Klaus Iohannis as a gift, as a token of appreciation for the efforts of the medical staff, a coin issued by the National Bank of the Republic of Moldova, which celebrates the sacrifice and dedication of doctors during this difficult period.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
