Invisible situation at Timisoara County Hospital. A piece of the CT scanner injured a patient. “It is of low quality”


Scandalous situation at Timisoara County Hospital. A patient who had suffered a stroke was injured while undergoing a CT scan. A piece of the medical device fell off and fell onto one of his arms. Hospital manager Raul Pătraşcu says he has not seen such an incident before and describes the quality of the Chinese device bought by the Ministry of Health in 2018 as “low quality.”

“Today I had around 1 o’clock a hallucinatory event at the Timisoara County Emergency Hospital, of which I never heard in my life happen and did not see: the protective dome of the CT scanner, which consists of a circle with a diameter about a meter of plastic with sharp aluminum edges, dislodged while a patient was being scanned.

That dome spins at a speed of 400 revolutions per second and acts worse than a knife. Fortunately, the patient being scanned at the time was only slightly injured and required two stitches in her arm, but disaster could ensue. At that dome speed, the protective cover performs worse than a knife. You could cut your neck, you could cut your body, and we could face tragedy.

I found out that this CT, which was bought by the PSD Ministry of Health in 2018, in a program with the World Bank, of very, very poor quality, was received by the hospital, but did not have an operating license from CNCAN (Commission National for the Control of Nuclear Activities – ed.). It operated for a year and a half without an operating license. We stopped him immediately, we called the Control Body of the Ministry of Health. The Control Body report shows that the ministry was misled by the hospital representatives when they signed for reception. We stopped it in February 2020, when we discovered it, and received authorization only on June 4 from CNCAN, “said Raul Pătrășcu.

The Hospital manager indicated that there are still 40 of these devices in the country’s medical units.

“At the end of June, we had another visit from the same service company that also won the devices through this World Bank program, which donated said devices, around 40 in all hospitals in Romania.

We can expect such tragedies in other hospitals, given the low quality of this Chinese device.

That service report indicates that the device is fully functional, smooth, and does not endanger patients. We did not want to use this device any more, considering the poor quality not only of the components, but also of the image it offers, but we had to do it ”, added the manager.

He said that at the beginning of the pandemic period, the hospital brought, with the help of the City Council, a high-performance device.

“The image quality is 8 times better than yours.

However, I encountered the same difficulties, within CNCAN, on the part of the Director of the Opinion Department, who proudly states in her CV that she is an organizer of PSD meals. We receive all kinds of illegal addresses, although we have submitted all the documents in accordance with current legislation to authorize and use this CT, which has also helped us to classify patients and avoid such catastrophic situations.

It is a borderless negligence and a lack of conscience that I have never encountered in my life, “said Pătrașcu.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
