Investigation after physician Virgil Păunescu administered an unapproved “vaccine” for COVID-19


The internal investigation at the Timisoara Hospital, after Professor Dr. Virgil Păunescu, coordinator of the Oncogen Institute, wrote on Facebook that he administered an anti-COVID-19 vaccine.

Professor Dr. Virgil Păunescu, coordinator of OncoGen, announced on Friday, through a Facebook post, that he was vaccinated only against COVID-19 with a vaccine produced at the institute he directs and, furthermore, that “the vaccine works” .

The OncoGen Institute, which belongs to the Timișoara County Hospital, has been working for several months to discover an anti-COVID-19 vaccine. Timișoara County Hospital administration fears that the entire study may be in jeopardy by the way investigator Virgil Păunescu proceeded, and therefore opened an internal investigation.

Raul Pătrașcu, Manager, Timișoara County Emergency Hospital: “He did not notify us that he would resort to this step and appears to have administered a product made up of proteins synthesized according to the genetic code of the virus, synthesized in Germany, so it is not a vaccine, but an experimental product and there is no evidence that provide immunity. “

The production of a vaccine requires a long period of research and numerous technical and financial resources.

Raul Pătrașcu, Manager, Timișoara County Emergency Hospital: “We need a laboratory with a biosecurity level mini BIO4 level. We only have one of those laboratories at the Cantacuzino Institute, so there is no doubt that such studies have been carried out at OncoGen, so we cannot say that they have been taken the necessary steps. ”

Nelu Tătaru, Minister of Health: “There is an ongoing investigation at the Timișoara County Hospital. That department is part of the County Hospital, it is an ongoing investigation. We will evaluate both scientific activity and resources.”

Investigator Virgil Păunescu declined to comment on the situation.

Vaccination can take up to two years. And this is because it is necessary to follow some mandatory steps established by the World Health Organization. First, preclinical studies are performed in the laboratory on cell and animal cultures. Only then does the clinical stage of testing begin, when the serum is administered to people who volunteer.

Typically, there are four phases in which groups of volunteers receive the vaccine. Up to 15,000 people are required to agree to participate in the clinical trial.

In pandemic situations, as it is now, you can follow an accelerated procedure, so that in the first phase between 50 and 150 people are included, and in the following three between 200 and 3,000 people or 9000. All vaccinated volunteers are followed by doctors for 14 days Experts are paying attention to the appearance of protective antibodies, but also to side effects. ‘

All volunteers participating in a vaccine trial must be healthy, and the study is conducted by age group.

The vaccines have already begun testing on humans in the UK and China, and Israeli researchers want to tailor a vaccine used against the coronavirus in chickens so that it can be administered to humans.

Internal investigation of the hospital after the announcement of the vaccine

The OncoGen Center is a state institute in the structure of the County Hospital in Timișoara, and the hospital manager, Raul Pătraşcu, announced on Friday that an internal investigation has begun, not being officially or unofficially informed about Professor Păunescu’s project to do a vaccine for COVID-19, writes Opinia Timişoara.

“There can be no doubt at the moment about the existence of such a vaccine. And I would like to appeal to citizens to differentiate between what the professor communicates and what a vaccine really means,” said Patrascu, who said that, when “It is about the administration of substances to man, the hospital administration must be notified and the unit’s ethics council must give its consent.

“We are concerned about his health,” said the hospital manager in Timisoara, who announced that he will move to “actions accordingly, whether there are administrative sanctions, whether they are imposed or not.”

The “vaccine” is actually a drop in the nose

Professor Dr. Virgil Păunescu specified that there is no danger of infection, because “the vaccine does not contain viral particles” or viral genetic material and that the vaccine consists of intranasal drops.
