INTERVIEW. How the students behaved in the first days of “masked school”: “I was surprised”


A first week has passed since the start of a new atypical school year, full of challenges for both students and parents and teachers.

Throughout this week, there has not been a day where there has not been a single case of COVID19, which has disrupted all the plans of that school.

I spoke to the lady about school in times of a pandemic. Violet Dascălu, Principal of Ferdinand I Secondary School in Bucharest. Invited to Pro TV NewsHe said he was very surprised to find that all the children were “too responsible,” “too responsible,” for complying with the health regulations imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“I discovered some very responsible children. They seem too responsible, more adaptable than adults. Nobody protested because he was wearing a mask, he never took off his mask, unless he went out at recess with an accompanying adult, in the schoolyard, respecting the distance and so on. And even then they were afraid of knocking them down. They are also quite attentive to their gestures and what they do. During the break, when the break comes, we ask you to get up from the bench and go out into the hall, go to the bathroom, that he does not sit in the chairs all the time. I was very surprised to see these behaviors. They already seemed to be homemade. I feel fear among the children, except ours, the adults. We are tired after a week of school, what there was a lot of pressure and a lot of attention on our part, to observe them, to pay attention to their reactions, their needs … “- said the teacher, lives in Pro TV News.

Pro TV

Asked how the teachers managed to transmit the courses online, the director of the Ferdinand I Secondary School in Bucharest explained that this school has prepared in advance for this teaching method, so that all the teachers wear ties, so that the sound is good for home runners.

Instead, he emphasized that one of the main problems is the lack of appropriate electronic devices for some of the students.

“We have an impeccable internet connection, we have webcams in every classroom. The problem is not with us, yet, but with some children who only have telephones or do not have enough technological systems.” – Violeta Dascălu said.

Another problem encountered is that of communication in the classroom. The children of the last banks have difficulties to understand correctly the courses taught by the teachers, due to the masks that disturb the sounds.

“I also had trouble hearing the boy from the last bench. He with a mask, me with a mask. Fortunately, we have quite generous spaces and I was able, somehow, to get within a reasonable distance to be able to hear him. And I think the children of the Last bank is harder for them to hear, because my masked signal is less audible. “ – said the principal of the Ferdinand school.

Parents also complain that they have no one to leave their children at home. Students now spend more time at home, due to the strict division of school groups, due to the distance that must be observed in the classroom.

“The most difficult thing is to spend many hours with a mask on the face, for adults. “- concludes the teacher.
