INTERVIEW How safe is it to vote in a pandemic? Dr. Virgil Musta’s explanations: the risk of infection from voting is much lower than from shopping – Health


Voting is not a risk factor in itself, as long as we are careful and take some common sense measures, such as wearing the mask correctly, at least 1.5 meters from other people, disinfecting hands or wearing gloves. says Dr. Virgil Musta, coordinator of the COVID hospital in Timișoara, in an interview with According to him, “the risk of contamination in the ballot box is much lower, because very strict measures are taken there, than the risk of being contaminated when you go shopping at the store. Because there are more people in the store, nobody disinfects before and after to take products out of the store. “

Doctor Virgil Musta

“We can go to the polls safely, you just have to have common sense and be careful. I think it is important to go to the polls, and if the world is afraid of getting something, it has the option of gloves and the possibility of control during the voting period, that is, until it comes out and until it is disinfected in the hands so as not to put the hand on the nose and mouth, and then the risk is zero and if we wear a mask, we use it correctly and keep a certain distance social, we are not crowded in the voting room, there is no risk of air pollution “, explained Dr. Virgil Musta, for

Step by step: what rules should we follow at the electoral college to avoid the risk of coronavirus infection. Key measurements explained by Dr. Virgil Musta:

  • First of all, I would like to say that voting is not in itself a risk factor. That is why I recommend that people go to the polls, because the responsibility to vote is much more important than the risk to which they are exposed, a risk that is not really in the electoral college, but more around the electoral college, if the man is with acquaintances, with people with whom he interacts and does not respect the rules of social distance and the use of a mask ”.
  • The moment someone goes to the polling station and there is a queue, it is recommended that the queue be made outside the building, not in a room where there is a risk of contamination, if there are contaminated people ”.
  • Minimum distance of 1.5 meters. In addition, each person who goes to the polls must maintain, at the voting table, a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the person in front of or behind him. “
  • “Then at the time of queuing and during voting, you must wear a mask, Avoid touching various other objects, after which to disinfect in the hands “.

  • Those who want to be very safe can wear gloves on their hands. Those who want to avoid minimal contamination can make the entire vote wearing gloves, after which they have to throw the gloves in the trash and sanitize their hands. “
  • Surface contamination occurs when you touch a highly contaminated surface, not a few germs. The amount of virus that enters the airways is also very important. A small amount is not necessarily enough to contaminate it. If your hands are contaminated and you don’t put your hand to your mouth or nose to wash your hands or disinfect yourself, there is no risk. “
  • “That is why maybe during the voting period, it is very good to control our gestures: do not put our hand to our mouth and nose. Because then there is no risk of contaminating our hands. “
  • And if we wear a mask, we wear it correctly and maintain a bit of social distance., we don’t overcrowd the voting room, there is no risk of air pollution. “
  • The most important thing is that the mask is used correctly, so as not to get too close to another person. and vote as little as possible, just to avoid the state in a potentially contaminated area. “
  • The moment you leave the polls and meet people you know, with whoever wants to talk, it is advisable to stay at a distance of 1.5 – 2 meters, mandatory with a mask “
  • In my opinion, the risk of contamination in the ballot box is much lower, because some very strict measures are taken there, that the risk of getting infected when shopping at the store. As there are more people in the store, no one disinfects before and after taking the products out of the store. “
  • We can go to the polls safely, we just have to take some common sense measures and be careful. I think it is important to go to the polls, and if the world is afraid of touching something, it has the option of gloves and has the possibility to control itself during the vote, that is, until it goes out and until it is disinfected in the hands so as not to put your hand on your nose and mouth. . And then the risk is zero. And if we wear a mask, we use it correctly and we maintain a little social distance, we do not crowd in the voting room, there is no risk of getting airborne. “
