In the vote on Sunday, December 6, 2020, the Romanians spoke before the great reformer Klaus Iohannis


Publicist Ion Cristoiu points to a series of changes in the behavior of the electorate in Sunday’s parliamentary elections that saw the PSD emerge victorious, and that President Iohannis received a vote of guilt despite his urges that Romanians go to the ballot boxes so that he gets the majority needed to reform Romania.

We reproduce in full the editorial published on

For several years, since the exit of exit polls were published on the Internet during election day, I have been paying attention to the dynamics of the confrontation between the PSD and the other parties.

For example, I already know the scissors theory by heart:

Until noon the voters of the PSD leave, especially those from the countryside, to be able to return home and feed the cow, and then the right-wing voters leave the cities that, being gentlemen (as the saying goes, the gentleman is sir and ditch) gets up late and goes to the polls after cutting his nose (s) and waxing (s) and drinking his coffee, obviously spying on the guy on Facebook. So for entire elections, if he didn’t get a grand opening with scissors, PSD woke up at night, as the opening closed, defeated without discussion.

This year, PSD had no opening of the scissors in the first part of the day. Therefore, it had nothing to do with the phenomenon of deflation from one hour to the next. In addition, he won against the PNL, more precisely my Party, through a wave of voters at night.

Elections, PSD won by the presence of those from rural areas in a greater number than those from urban areas. This year, although turnout in rural areas was lower, the PSD won the elections.

Electoral elections, PSD won by the conscious presence of retirees in the vote. This year there were fewer retirees than active people. However, PSD outperformed PNL.

During December 6, 2020, I also received, like everyone else, the results of a certain period (period not peroadă, in the attention of the President of Romania, that the Constitution obliges, among other things, not to crush the face of the grammar) of the exit groups.

For the first time, I was not interested. Or rather, he wasn’t particularly interested. Although among other reasons for this change of face was the fact that regarding the formation of the Government, I have no doubt that the PSD has no way of doing the majority. And even if it were possible, the takeover of the Government now would be for PSD the beginning of the process of disappearance as a party. To have a voice in Romania, a member of the EU, the PSD needs what the Bratians (father and son) called the recovery in the Opposition. So, before election day, I knew that the government would be right-wing. And it will be on the right even if the NLP suffered a defeat, and USRPLUS a little wrinkled.

The reason for passing the results in the background is simple. He was concerned about participation. It was said that the presence will depend on the environment of the Pandemic. Or nonsense. The locals showed that Romanians are not afraid of the pandemic. Romanians are afraid of the militiamen who, coming to Bucharest on the cow’s tail, have orgasms of pleasure to get big and with a bang. And the form of greatness of the fool is the power to sanction. Romanians fear sanctions. When allowed to quarantine, they do so. This is what happened on December 6, 2020. They were the ones who wanted to go to the polls. Therefore, the presence was this year, as in 2016, the year with the worst presence post-December, depending on the will to go to the polls. A small turnout showed a lack of enthusiasm for the mobilization, reason to go to the polls. These were all prerequisites for this from the point of view of post-December traditions. No matter how hard Klaus Iohannis tried to convince the Romanians, the latter no longer perceived the PSD as the Monster, as the Red Plague. Hatred of the PSD was consumed in three rounds of elections: European Parliament, presidential and local. In addition, the Government has had a party other than PSD for a year. NLP failed catastrophically. Not only as an administrator, of the country, but also as a candidate for the position of a different politician. It was hard to believe that it would spark the enthusiasm that drives the world to vote. USRPLUS could demand this enthusiasm. However, USRPLUS fell into the trap of Steak taken by the nose by Klaus Iohannis. After the president announced to Dacian Cioloş and Dan Barna that PNL will share power with USRPLUS, the Alliance moved to the right and put a sleepy dream in a dream. The reduction of anti-NLP engines made the antipathy towards NLP no longer massive in the USRPLUS voting. That the weak presence, the weakest in post-December, is explained by the lack of desire to go to the polls, as demonstrated by the incredible victory of AUR. Unknown party until yesterday, AUR became, after these elections, the fourth political force in the country. The explanation is given by the impetus of AUR to its voters to go to the polls. GOLD voters were not afraid of the pandemic.

But this year it was a good reason, a great reason to vote.

As I have written countless times before, Klaus Iohannis has turned the parliamentary elections into something more than a simple democratic exercise, dozens of times lately he has presented December 6, 2020 as a milestone in the history of the Fatherland. I wrote in the comment The elections of December 6, 2020, a referendum by which Klaus Iohannis will become the first absolute monarch president in the History of the World on on November 24, 2020:

There was no press conference in Cotroceni, in which Klaus Iohannis, in addition to attacking the PSD, side by side in this electoral dispute with Adrian Zuckerman, Donald Trump’s ambassador in Romania, so as not to portray the period after December 6, 2020 as one of the greats. Reforms, all initiated and directed by him.

As I wrote before, the parliamentary elections this year are drawn by Klaus Iohannis from the series of confrontations between parties, and even the alternation in power, to place himself in the series of great events that marked the history of Romania. In an older essay, I pointed out the existence of the cliché A New Era in the Rhetoric of Politicians in modern Romanian history. Klaus Iohannis thinks New Age opens after December 6, 2020, although he doesn’t say so (he doesn’t say so openly yet). This new Era will be one of the Great Reforms in all fields: from National Security to Health. In order not to think that it is just a dream with open eyes, Klaus Iohannis confessed to us several times that in many areas the ministers of the Orban Government, who are obviously My Ministers, are working hard on various Reforms. Cătălin Predoiu, on reform in the field of justice. Nelu Tătaru from the Health field, Marcel Vela, from the Police field. I have no doubt that all My Ministers are working on the Reforms that will be implemented after December 6, 2020. And the Education, and the Culture and the Labor. Therefore, it is understood, no further clarification is needed, that My Ministers are working on reforms under the leadership of Klaus Iohannis. Obviously, Romania needs reform in many areas. Klaus Iohannis does not refer to these reforms with a small m in his speeches, but to the Reforms with a large m. And they, these Reforms, will open a New Era in the History of the Homeland, which will fundamentally change Romania, so the future History textbook will be divided into two:

One part, dedicated to History until December 6, 2020.

The other part, dedicated to History after December 6, 2020.

The first part will be printed in gray letters. Second, with colored letters. And the chapter dedicated to the years 2020-2024, the four (remaining) years of Klaus Iohannis’ mandate, will be printed on vellum. To make this chapter attractive, the vellum leaves will be smeared with honey, whoever reads them will lick their fingers for the pleasure of reading.

Klaus Iohannis urged Romanians to go to the polls and give Klaus Iohannis the overwhelming majority because he was going to reestablish Romania.

In such a game, the attendance should have been enormous. How can I not go to the polls when the president tells you that this is how you base the Great Reforms, the Reset of Romania?

The turnout was 31.84%, the lowest since after December. The Romanians stuck out their tongues at the Great Reformer. They showed that they were not interested in the matter. With such a presence, the legitimacy of the Reforms is minimal. How to reestablish Romania when the majority of Romanians have not given you a mandate to do so? ”

NOTE: This editorial is taken in its entirety from

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