In the next seven years, Romania will have some opportunities that it has not had in history.


Romania will have, in the next seven years, opportunities unprecedented in its history and will benefit from significant development funds, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban said on Sunday, according to Agerpres.

“In the next seven years, Romania will have some opportunities that it has not had in history. First of all, it is about the geopolitical positioning that Romania has, which will generate a center of interest in the next period and may create extremely high dynamics, both political and economic in Romania. Second, we will benefit from financial resources since we will not we have benefited so far, this is not only around 80 billion in the EU budget 2021-2027 and the resilience and recovery program, we will have other direct funding from the European Union budget, we will also have funding for active measures in support from employees and employers through the SURE program, an amount that was allocated to Romania of 4.99 billion which is We will also benefit from extremely significant funding from international financial partners, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, with which we have exceptional relationships and aim to invest in Romania amounts that they prefer to advertise, n or us, the European Investment Bank, which also shows a special interest in Romania, the World Bank and other international financiers, “said Ludovic Orban, in a speech given on the occasion of the presentation of the electoral programs of the NLP candidates in the Town Hall and the Calarasi Town Hall.

He mentioned that there is a greater interest from investors to come to Romania.

“I can tell you that there is a growing interest in Romania among foreign investors. Dozens of companies are studying the possibility of investing in Romania. Let’s be honest, economic development involves investment, public investment, private investment. Of course, in the next eight years 10 years we must have the most modern infrastructure, both transport infrastructure and energy infrastructure, communications, health infrastructure, educational infrastructure throughout Central and Eastern Europe. It does and it is up to each one of us to do so ”, concluded Prime Minister Ludovic Orban .

Editing: Cristina Iancu
