In ministries, the mask is optional. State officials ignore pandemic rules


The rules of the pandemic, the sanitary rules, the rules of common sense towards colleagues in the institution and the office are deliberately ignored by many state officials. On the darkest day for Romania since the beginning of the pandemic, Digi24 journalists captured such images in various ministries. Deputy Prime Minister Raluca Turcan acknowledges the problems and calls for more controls on all government institutions.

Ministry of development, 8:30 in the morning. A soldier legitimizes you and measures your body temperature. Beyond, however, many officials circulate here and there through offices and corridors. They behave as they please, donning their protective masks only when they realize they are being filmed, or … they look down and see their way.

– Sir? The mask? Do you have a mask? If you don’t, I’ll give it to you!

– Naked, thank you!

– OK!

– I took it off!

– It was only a question! But shouldn’t he have put on the mask before entering the institution, sir?

– Yes pretty!

The clerk puts on the mask. He looks at us reproachfully. And we have another short conversation.

“You didn’t wear a mask inside, you know?”

– What do you mean?

– You had to take off your mask!

– Extraordinary!

He is not the only one who does not follow sanitary regulations.

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Employee captured without a mask in the corridors of the Ministry of Public Works Photo: video capture

– Good Morning! Don’t wear a mask! You are in the ministry!

– Yes, immediately!


“I have to take your temperature first!” OK. And you!

– Ma’am, aren’t you wearing a mask in a public institution?

– Now I gave it to him. I have some food!

– Well, you came in without!

– Not …

Around 9:30 in the morning, some windows on the ground floor Ministry of the Environment they are open. From the sidewalk, they stand out inside and employees without masks.

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Employee without a mask in an office of the Ministry of the Environment Photo: video capture

When the operator notices, the gesture annoys the employee:

“Did you ask us for permission to film us?”

At the point of access to the offices, the right officials mingle again with the arrogant ones.

“Just a second!”

– Morning!

“Are you not wearing a mask, ma’am?” You are in the ministry!

We then asked officials at the ministry’s press office if we can film in one or two offices. After about twenty minutes of waiting for the turnstiles, our application was approved! And the journalist behind the camera felt like a well organized event for the presentation of protective equipment! He just filmed … model officials.

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They warn that a television team is coming, officials from an office of the Ministry of Development carry masks and disinfectants on the table Photo: video capture

– Hi!

– Hi! Come!

– We do a report on social distancing and following the rules!

– Do it!

These last images were, of course, directed by the representatives of the press office. If we had announced our presence and the topic before we reached all the ministries visited, we could have only captured images with impeccable officials. Because of this, we went everywhere … without warning!

“There are problems! People still do not understand that the law is mandatory, that they have that duty, that indoors, in closed spaces, in fact, and within public institutions to wear a mask! Compliance still leaves much to be desired to level of a public institution! In public institutions, in general, the rigor must be greater! And in the meeting I had, at the level of Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior, including the Minister of Health, with the representatives of the committees of the county for emergency situations, I asked the DSPs to verify if within public institutions, especially in the departments of interaction with the public, masks are used ”, said Raluca Turcan – Deputy Prime Minister.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the coronavirus has reached many public institutions. In the spring, due to infected officials, the Ministry of Justice was temporarily closed. Employees who were able to work from home.

There were infections in the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
