Images of the despair of Americans who ran out of food. “We will face a famine like never before”


Nearly 24 million Americans are at risk of not eating at all. The number has increased by a quarter since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. The queues in front of food banks and soup kitchens are getting bigger.

“It’s hard to believe that in the country with the most profitable companies in the world, tens of thousands of people are queuing for food. At this point in time for donations from Texas, 25,000 Americans came in one day,” he said. CBS News, commenting on images captured in Texas.

What I see is that we are blessed. It is difficult for everyone. It is amazing what is happening. Thank God I managed to get in line this morning“says a woman.

I haven’t worked since December.

And me since March.

And I can’t get a job. I ran out of unemployment benefits. It means a lot to us.

We have a lot to learn from what happens to us“.

The Boston Food Bank donates more than a ton of food a week. As Thanksgiving approaches, the demand grows. At a California food bank, the number of requests increased by 125%.

Americans say they manage to pay their bills, but have no money left for food.

Food packages include staples like potatoes, onions, oil, flour, a total of almost 30 kilograms of food, but also a turkey. However, it is not known how long there will be resources to support so many Americans in need, according to CBS News.

Joel Berg, NGO coordinator: “It is the largest food crisis in recent American history.. The situation is very serious. If the federal government does not intervene meaningfully and quickly, we will face a famine like no other since the great economic crisis“.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
