Images from the night the undercover Emi Pian, leader of the Duduianu clan, was killed


Four months after Emi Pian’s murder, journalists publish the first photos of the night the thief was stabbed.

In the images captured by the surveillance cameras, on August 4 (around 2.40 am), you can see those who participated that night in the bearded game as a result of which the conflict arose.

Florin Mototolea (39 years old), known in the underworld as Emi Pian, was the leader of the Duduianu clan, one of the most feared underworld clans in Romania.

Emi Pian was stabbed to death on the morning of August 4. He was rushed to the hospital, but died soon.

The one who struck Pian is a member of the Rinu clan, and the two had the same occupation: they borrowed bearded players. That’s what they did Monday night to Tuesday, only in their world they are not allowed to borrow from the same player. From here on, a conflict broke out, and the piano was hit with a knife several times.

Emi Pian was killed by a young man with no criminal record, Richard Emanuel Gheorghe. Sources close to the investigation told “Adevărul” that the perpetrator is a 26-year-old man with no criminal record, who committed the act after a conflict during a bearded party.

Images from the night of the crime – photo:

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Nicolae Duduianu, the founder of the “Clan Duduian”, died in prison. Emi Pian’s father suffered from heart problems

Dozens fined at the funeral of the leader of the Duduianu clan, who died in prison on Tuesday

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