“I’m sorry if Mr. Minister says there is no moral author”


Mihaela Ganea, wife of the burn patient who died after being transferred late to Belgium, accuses the bureaucratic indifference of the authorities, but also the interest in the image of some officials, in an emotional testimony she gave Monday night on Digi24.

“I am still under this impulse of immense pain,” confessed Mihaela Ganea, specifying that she agreed to go live, by phone, to Digi24 knowing that the Romanian doctor from Belgium who fought for her husband’s life was also present in the discussion. “I have a special respect and I thank him very much, because I know that he did everything possible for my husband, him and the entire team of this hospital in Belgium. I felt there as in a family, something that did not happen to me in Romania,” he said Mihaela Ganea.

“Cold-blooded criminals who told me they had other priorities”

“I’m sorry if Mr. Minister says there is no moral author. I don’t care what political color everyone says. I just tell them that nothing happens in Romania, that I had to go out in public shouting my things to be able to take him there. Too late. I’m sorry I didn’t go out, maybe, earlier. If he leaves on Friday, maybe he’s fine and I wasn’t in that situation today. I’m not interested in the moral author, I’m interested in cold-blooded criminals who told me directly in front of me that they have other priorities.. I had to wait for days in a row, to take my husband all over Romania, from one hospital to another, to finally end up in a hospital where someone would take an interest in him. It’s already too late! Do you get it? Too late! “The grieving woman shared her pain.

When asked who told her she had other priorities, Mihaela Ganea said her discussion and discomfort were related to those of the Department of Emergency Situations, who “behaved as they behaved.” Mihaela Ganea said that she was bothered by the tone of the conversation with the person from DSU with whom she was in contact, a person who answers the phone, “a doctor” of whom “those from DSU know better who he is.”

“I step over corpses, I go on television and I make 2 statements lei!”

“That man with whom I spoke told me in a first phase to be patient, that he has other priorities or that he has to take me in the order of priorities and that he told me that he had ruined the image of Mr. Arafat!” The woman said. “I am not interested in anyone’s image, I transmitted them and continue to transmit them. If I have to ruin photos, I will!“Mihaela Ganea noted.

When asked who he blamed for the delay in being taken to Belgium, the wife of the burn patient replied: “To tell you the truth, I don’t think anyone took him away, arguing that everyone hoped to get rid of this responsibility. Nobody wanted to assume that. They all cared about escaping faster. It’s just that these gentlemen in charge of this transfer extended this: that the plane, not the plane, when it comes to life and death, had to send that plane first! With whom he left, the military man. I didn’t care if they took it out for repair, that it wasn’t, it doesn’t matter! My husband died because of that, because they in cold blood play with people’s lives, that’s what they do, they don’t care, they step on corpses. He is interested in the image, I go on TV and make statements for 2 lei! For me, they are zero! “said the woman, visibly excited.

For now, I will go home to bury my husband and look my children in the eye whom I told I was bringing home a healthy father and failed. My only regret is that I didn’t go public with all of this earlier, maybe things were moving faster.“Mihaela Ganea concluded, her voice choked with tears.

The nightmare of an electrocuted patient

The patient, whose transfer to Belgium was delayed, died on Monday. He suffered septic shock from the infections acquired in Romania: 4 bacteria and a fungus, according to Belgian doctors. Been to three hospitals across the country before to be transferred to Belgium, after suffering a work accident in the port of Constanța: he was electrocuted and collapsed from a height. A nightmare that started on January 20.

He was transferred in serious condition to the Constanza Emergency Hospital, with burns in 70% of his body, but also with a polytrauma. The next day, the doctors decided to transfer the 52-year-old man to Hospital Saint Spiridon of Iași. DWith, As his condition did not improve, a committee of doctors recommended that he be transferred abroad. FAmilia sought help at a clinic in Belgium.

However, the bad weather, the technical failure of an airplane, but above all the bureaucracy turned against him.

The doctor who treated him in Belgium assures that the patient was not even washed in the three hospitals where he was admitted in Romania. Almost a month after the accident, the 52-year-old man died and the Health Minister announced controls at the three hospitals.

Romania has only 23 beds for major burns, and the authorities’ decision is that the patients are in serious conditionComplicated to be transferred abroad.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
