“I’m just worried about what will happen next month. It’s something that shook me.”


Dr Beatrice Mahler, director of the “Marius Nasta” Institute in Bucharest, says she is concerned about what will happen next month, once schools start. The doctor is afraid that the rules will not be followed, the cases of disease will increase, and in addition, other problems will arise. In this sense, she told Digi24 about a situation she faced in her own hospital, a case that, the manager confessed, “moved her.”

Only now will the impact of the virus on children be seen

So far, international studies show that in children, the forms of COVID-19 are mild or do not have any disease, but they are transmissible. “What we need to know and remember is that A time is beginning when we will soon discover all over the world what the impact of this infection means among young people and children. The studies that have been carried out, quite a few, in this regard, indicate the impact and degree of contagion of children in communities that have been in a state of emergency, isolated. The data shows that children were ten times less infected than adults because adults left the house. (…) It is a situation that we know today, but we will know the reality of the impact in the coming monthsDr. Mahler pointed out.

“It will be a challenge for all countries, not just Romania, to manage this period,” said Dr. Beatrice Mahler. “Our care must remain constant and greater attention when we talk about children,” said the doctor.

“It is not an easy time, but we have to walk carefully, step by step, and be together, and the fear that I feel now, and that is perceived and natural, should not obscure our reason,” he said. added the director of the Institute “Marius Nasta”.

The mask really protects!

In any pandemic, in any epidemic, prophylactic measures have been effective, Beatrice Mahler recalled.

“I think there is a need for communication between doctors and teachers, because they need to understand the risks they are exposed to, the risks they avoid if they use protective measures. These risks are real, they are experienced by my colleagues at Marius Nasta. If a colleague arrived infected on vacation or from the community, wearing a mask, the other colleagues were not infected. Therefore, the surgical mask, which seems trivial to us, when worn correctly protects“Beatrice Mahler stressed.

Stigmatization, a dangerous trend

When asked if she was worried about what would happen next month, Beatrice Mahler said, “Yes!”

“I am afraid that the rules will not be followed, we speak very well, but we apply the rules quite strongly,” said the “Nasta” coach.

“There is another phenomenon that scares me, because today I received in the office a request from a colleague who is an assistant, works with COVID patients, meanwhile he has been sick with COVID and requests to move to a non-COVID room.” -COVID, because he is the husband of a teacher and because his wife is stigmatized at work! ”Dr. Mahler said.

“It seems abnormal to us to look at teachers, to stigmatize them because they have people around them who care for these patients. It’s something that shakes me“, Confessed the manager of the Institute” Marius Nasta “.

Being sick is not a fault!

Asked who stigmatizes the teacher, Mahler said she did not know many details, but the motivation for the request is understood as the other classmates. Dr. Mahler stated that he has not yet responded to this request, because as it is such a sensitive case, he wants to speak directly with his assistant colleague and ask for details.

“I wonder what will happen to a child who is young, or who is a teenager, but who will feel this isolation from his colleagues or teachers if he gets sick with Covid. Being sick is not a fault, it is a situation that can definitely be overcome. ”Said Dr. Beatrice Mahler, Friday night, on Digi24.

Editor: Luana Păvălucă
