Ilie Dumitrescu has finally returned home. The first images with “Mystery” came back close to the real star: “It’s ‘amazing’!”


  • League 1: CFR ClujChindia Targoviste, Sunday, time 19:00, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: The futureAstra, Saturday, time 21:30, Digi Sport 1

Ilie Dumitrescu returned home: “Here I developed as a person, here I grew up!”

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Before the game between the star Y Spartacus progress, from the third stage of the fourth series championship, the analyst Digi sport visited the new stadium Ghencea.

“It’s amazing.” I mean fantastic. It is a special place for me. Here I developed as a person, here I grew up. I did a tour of the base. I legitimized myself at the age of eight in Steaua. Here I had the greatest satisfaction in sports, in morals. This is what matters most.

I was last here when I trained at Steaua. In the old stadium. Here the great games of the national team were played. Here I played with Belgium, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, all decisive matches for qualification for the 1994 World Cup. “, He said “Sir”.

Ilie Dumitrescu, on the great names of Steaua, who “Must have special seats in the stadium”

Ilie Dumitrescu He also commented on the decision made regarding the stadium the star, where the sectors of the arena will bear the names of the former great glories of the “military” club.

“I am happy to have seen this stadium. You have no words, it is the highest level. It respects everything that modern trends mean. I think that from Voinescu, Zavoda, Alexandrescu and ending with the golden generation of Steaua, everyone deserves to have their name here.

With Iovan, Bumbescu, Duckadam, Lăcătuș. The rest of us? I don’t know, they are the most representative and they have to have special seats in the stadium. Of course, previous generations should not be missing either. Marcel Răducanu, Iordănescu. I was a fan of Răducanu, I used to come to field six when I was a child and watched the training of the great team “said the Digi Sport analyst.

  • Ilie Dumitrescu was legitimized in Steaua din 1977 (when I was eight years old) until 1994, when he went to Tottenham
  • Return to the star in the 1998
  • to opt they took the trophies “Sir” with the “military” group

Tags: the star , steaua stadium , ilie dumitrescu , Sir
