If we continue like this, in three weeks we will see patients in the hospital courtyard and then on the next street.


Intensive care doctor Radu Țincu, from Floreasca Hospital, says that overnight the Romanian medical system is dangerously close to the limit where it will no longer be able to receive new patients.

St. Pantelimon Hospital treats Covid-19 cases for just one month. And 10 days ago he announced that half of the ATI doctors had been infected with the new coronavirus.

The images came a day after those of the Matei Balş Institute, where patients for whom there is no room in the wards are treated in the hallway of the guard room.

Read also:

Dr. Adrian Marinescu explains the reality behind the harsh images captured in the corridors of the Matei Balş Institute

Radu Țincu, ATI doctor: “The most important thing is the capacity of the hospital. I am not interested in epidemiological indications, if people die in front of the hospital. We will have to correlate them with the capacity of the health system to take care of them. We saw the images of Balş in the corridor, in three weeks we will see them in the courtyard and then on the street next to the hospital. We can’t get that far. “

Why is mortality so high due to Covid-19 in Romania?

Dr Radu Țincu explained to Digi24 why Romania is at the top of the European ranking in relation to the mortality of COVID patients. The large number of deaths due to ATI is due to untreated chronic pathologies with which patients from our country come compared to the much milder diseases of patients in European countries.

Another aspect is related to the performance of our health system, which leaves much to be desired.

Radu Țincu, ATI doctor at the Floreasca Hospital: “You have to say what European mortality is. It varies between 60 and 80%, but is determined by the management capacity of each country. I see two factors. Associated chronic pathologies. All the elderly in Europe have, but the severity and the way they were cared for differ. A patient with hypertension who does not go to the doctor for two years will degrade much faster than one who attends monthly or every three months for periodic evaluations.

Another aspect is related to the health system. The perspective is different. The sooner we reach the maximum capacity of the health system, what happens, the higher the mortality, because the sick will wait longer to take charge and will be much more degraded.

If we talk about the performance of the health system, we talk about two aspects: Old hospitals, hospitals crowded with patients, in which functional circuits cannot be implemented and it is obvious that we will have secondary nosocomial infections. We are also talking about a shortage of medical personnel. This is very real and will be reflected in the quality of the medical act. If ten patients with ATI are cared for by two nurses, they will be cared for in one way, if they are cared for by ten, they will be cared for in another way. “

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
