If they appear with zero rotation we will make checks


7,500 applications were submitted in the first two hours since the start of the microgrids program, Economy, Energy and Business Minister Virgil Popescu said on Monday. He mentioned that, at present, it is necessary to resolve a series of issues related to ALPs and NGOs related to the inconsistency of some existing data with ANAF.

“There were 4,400 simultaneous connections, the servers worked without problems. At 11:30 there were 6,500 requests in the application, and now, in the last report, there were 7,500 requests for microgranules. At this rate it is possible that by Friday, to sell out 50,000 places, companies that can register The total budget allocated is 100 million euros. If there are 2,000 euros for each company, it means that a maximum of 50,000 companies can benefit. from Bucharest – more than 1,400, then Cluj, Iaşi, Prahova, Timiş. In urban areas, at 11:30, we had 4,900 requests, and in rural areas 1,600, “said Popescu, on Digi24.

“There are no small problems with AFPs and NGOs, problems that derive from the fact that in the ANAF database that we consult there are some data with zero turnover or zero employees. The owners of PFAs or NGOs know it is to go with the application until the end, because we will make a check in the back office and we will not leave things like that, if they know they have another rotation ”, the minister stressed. of resort

The electronic registration form for obtaining micro-grants awarded with non-reimbursable external funds was activated at the link granturi.imm.gov.ro as of Monday, October 12, 2020 at 10:00.

The application document will remain active until Friday, October 16, 2020, at 8:00 p.m., with the possibility of extending the registration period until the budget is exhausted.

According to Virgil Popescu, if one hundred million euros are used up, starting next week, the owners of SMEs will receive the contract and will receive 2,000 euros in contact.

On July 31, the Government approved GEO 130/2020 on the granting of subsidies for a total of one billion euros for companies affected by the Covid-19 crisis, from external non-reimbursable funds related to the Operational Program of Competitiveness 2014-2020.

The pre-registration of the companies in the application began on September 15, and at this stage all applicants interested in any of the three support measures will have the possibility to pre-register the data of the legal representatives / proxies, as well as the data of legal persons.
