If the situation worsens, I will not hesitate to re-declare a state of emergency. There will be no three days without restrictions.


President Klaus Iohannis made a press statement at the Cotroceni Palace on Thursday, stressing that there will be legally-introduced restrictions in the coming days, and that if the evolution of the Covid-19 epidemic worsens, he will not hesitate to reintroduce the state of emergency. .

Today is the last day of the second 30-day period during which Romania was in a state of emergency introduced by presidential decree, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Iohannis thanked the doctors and all the Romanians who have so far complied with the restrictions, saving lives threatened by Covid-19, and asked everyone to continue to behave responsibly, respecting the rules thus far, such as wearing masks. , respect social distance or telework.

“There will be no three days without restrictions. We have a legal framework in force and based on it, all decisions will be taken so that, even in the next 3 days, we maintain all the necessary rules, so that the health and life of citizens do not are in danger. ” Klaus Iohannis stressed.

The press release can be viewed in video format here:

Read the full text of the Press Statement made by the President of Romania, Mr. Klaus Iohannis.

Ziare.com presented the main statements of President Iohannis in format LIVE TEXT:

– We are at the end of two difficult months, in which most of you have strictly observed the established restrictions.

– Through a national effort, we were able to stop the rapid spread of the epidemic and limit the number of victims. You are the heroes of this national effort. Thank you!

– Together we save lives! This is what a strong and united nation looks like. We must continue in the same way in the coming months. The fight against the ruthless virus is far from over.

– On March 16, Romania entered a state of emergency, among the first countries to do so. It was a good decision, confirmed by the low number of infections and deaths.

We started the battle in February, we will continue for a long time from nowe) Without these measures, such as quarantining some towns, traffic restrictions, closing schools, etc., the number of victims would have been much higher.

– Where is Romania now? There are more than 16,000 cases of the disease, the epidemiological trend is slightly decreasing. The number of cases cured is 9,053.

– During the state of emergency, IT capacity was not exceeded.

– Test capacity increased to 10,463 tests per day.

– Thanks again to the doctors and medical staff for the extraordinary efforts.

– Romania was not ready, we did not find the necessary materials in the state reserve. We were able to quickly buy everything we needed.

– The situation put before us a ruthless mirror for the failure of 30 years. State reform is needed. It is mandatory to start the restart to develop the country.

– Health, education, administration, ignored and mosaic systems must be our priorities. Otherwise, the state doubles.

– We are also faced with insufficient legislation.

– The government is forced to adapt to scarce resources, while in Parliament, old politicians and graduates have tried to dismantle the few tools.

– The situation can no longer continue, the legislation must be consistent.

– This period also showed us what can be achieved if the President and the Government work as a team.

– Tomorrow we enter a new stage. Medically, we have positive signs, but the danger posed by this virus is far from over.

The CNSS will establish the alert status and establish the mandatory measures..

– Some irresponsible politicians feed the idea of ​​a legislative vacuum. There will be no three days without restrictions. We have a legal framework in force and based on it all decisions will be made so that, even in the next 3 days, we maintain all the necessary rules, so that the health and lives of citizens are not in danger.

– Social distance, work from home, compliance with hygiene rules, the use of protective masks are essential. Without these measures and rules, without the responsibility of each one of us, things can easily degenerate.

– If the situation worsens, I will not hesitate to declare a state of emergency again. Let us not compromise all that we have accomplished so far with great sacrifices.

– People will be able to infect others without knowing it.

Wearing a mask protects ourselves and those around us and makes it easier for doctors. It is essential that we do these things not for fear of fines, but because they are for our own good and for the good of those around us..

– No one can say when we will win the pandemic, but it is up to each of us to make this happen as soon as possible.

Thank you!


We remind you that the Parliament approved on Wednesday, as a matter of urgency, the bill proposed by the Government regarding the introduction of the state of alert after the expiration of the state of emergency (today, May 14) but, according to the Constitution, this project will not take effect until Monday. that was proposed late.

Under these conditions, Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced today, at the beginning of the government meeting, that the legislative framework will be adopted tonight, which will allow the introduction of restrictions and obligations for citizens starting tomorrow, when the state of alert It will enter in vigor.

In addition, at 8 pm, at the MIA headquarters, the first meeting of the new National Committee for Emergency Situations (CNSSU) was convened, chaired by Prime Minister Orban.

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