If the RCC declares that the state of alert is unconstitutional, we will issue the GEO


Prime Minister Ludovic Orban declared in Târgu Mureș on Saturday that the government is ready to regulate the measures during the state of alert by emergency ordinance if the CCR declares unconstitutional the legislation that will be imposed after May 15.

When asked what would happen if the RCC declared the alert state legislation unconstitutional on May 13, Ludovic Orban said: Romanian. “

He added that the Executive will not accept what the RCC and the “so-called Ombudsman” are doing.

“It just came to our attention then. In no country in Europe has such a thing happened, namely the authorities, through a referral and a decision by the Constitutional Court to be virtually deprived of the tools to be able to enforce the law, the rule, especially in such a serious situation. How is the situation caused by the new coronavirus epidemic?

CCR’s decision is an exhortation to ignore the Constitution. It is an instigation to break the law and break the rules. The Court’s decision endangers the life and health of all Romanians. It shows that these people who have lost all connection with the reality of Romanian society want to help those who break the law, a minority, and have little respect for those who respect the law, more than 98% of Romanian citizens.

We cannot stand idly by.

CCR’s decision and in general the actions carried out by PSD, ALDE and Ponta’s lawyer do nothing but violate the fundamental right of citizens to life and the right to health, “said the prime minister.

The Constitutional Court established, on April 6, that the provisions of art. 28 of GEO 1/1999, which established fines for non-compliance with restrictions during the state of emergency, lack clarity, precision and predictability. The facts whose commission constitutes a contravention are not clearly defined, but are left to the subjective evaluation of the police officers, as well as the level of the fine applied.

On Wednesday, the Constitutional Court will discuss the unconstitutionality exception of the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance No. 21/2004 on the National Emergency Management System, which regulates the state of alert.

Publisher: Alexandru Costea
