“If it weren’t for you, never leave FCSB’s Reghecampf”


The wife and manager of Reghecampf, current coach at Al Wasl, revealed that Gigi Becali still holds her responsible for the departure of the manager who brought two titles to the FCSB and led the team to the spring Europa League.

“We knew we were leaving a month before. Gigi then asked me if we were going anywhere, and that’s what I told her. It was an incredible salary, no one could refuse such a thing! We tried to talk about Laur’s contract because it was ending. Gigi didn’t want to increase the contract and then I said, “Boss, we’re in an argument with someone, but I can’t say because I promised.”

He wanted to finish the championship backwards and for the world to know it, then, an hour before. The Arabs attended the final banquet, where Laur signed the contract. All the players looked at Laur and said: “Mystery, no!”

We were looking at them and Laur was saying, “What should I do?” I say: “It’s not a big difference, just about 2.5 million. Sign! I am your manager! Sign this contract! ». That’s why Gigi Becali calls me today “You made him leave!” If it wasn’t for you, never leave! ““Said Anamaria Prodan on TV Telekom Sport.

Reghe coached the FCSB in two terms: 2012-2014 and December 2015-May 2017, winning two titles in the Romanian Cup.

VIDEO Laurențiu Reghecampf: “The star for me is my team of souls”

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