“If I had let the police act in Onești, the situation was different now”


Former police colonel and psychologist Liviu Chesnoiu says the intervention in the Onești hostage case should have been carried out by the city police and that they would have had opportunities to intervene much faster. This could have saved the lives of the two hostages who died, he added.

“If I had let the Onești policemen act on their own, to take on this responsibility, the situation was different at this time. Because they waited for an order from the county, the IGPR, the ministry, they waited for the negotiator, they waited for the special troops, when everything could be solved in a very simple way, “said Chesnoiu of Digi24.

“The best policeman there, the oldest, would have been ordered to try to dialogue with this individual. He would have seen that pseudo-negotiator who had a monologue, who did not want to talk, who did not want to negotiate. Such a man swears, insults, You can’t negotiate. We were also able to bring you the moon from the sky, because we haven’t folded it yet. He was mentally shocked because he suffered what happened, but realizing that Onești police mattered at all times, what would he have ordered? From the side , who was on the balcony, would have tried to annihilate this individual, “he added.

“That was the solution, because as time passed, this man got more and more angry. And in this way, those hostages may have escaped alive,” Chesnoiu also said.

“This individual has threatened the public space countless times. Being a small town, everyone knew his past, his complaints, his frustrations. He should have been monitored since he appeared on Facebook with that threat that he will do it, he will fix it with guns of fire, “he added.

“This man was a time bomb. Within a few minutes, the negotiator should have realized that he did not want to speak and had to unleash the intervention forces by wrapping himself, both in the door and in the booster,” added Chesoiu .

Two workers renovating an apartment in Onești, Bacău county, were killed Monday night by the former owner, Gheorghe Moroșan, 68, upset at being evacuated. The police opened fire to enter the apartment where the attacker was holding the two men hostage, after negotiations between the attacker and the police failed.

He stabbed the two workers. one of them died on the spot and the other later died in hospital.

The police intervened by force and fired several shots. The assailant also arrived at the hospital. He has multiple gunshot wounds to the hands, feet, abdomen.

He was transferred from Oneşti Municipal Hospital to Bacău County Emergency Hospital (SJU) on Wednesday after his health deteriorated.

The wife of Gheorghe Moroșan, the man who took hostages and later killed two workers in Onești, was arrested for 30 days.

Moroșan had four criminal convictions for theft, bodily injury and driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs. But the Bacău police did not believe that he would turn violent and implement the threat to kill the two men.

The chief and deputy of the LEI Bacău and the chiefs of the Onești police were dismissed after the failed intervention.

Editing: Monica Bonea
