If a single policeman does not fulfill his duty, he can, precisely because he is a policeman, do enormous harm to society.


Journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu says that recent incidents involving police and gendarmes have weakened people’s trust in law enforcement. “I am curious, if a survey is done, how many citizens will say that they trust the police and how many citizens feel safe because there are police in Romania,” said the journalist, given that the Romanian Police motto is “Security and trust”.

Cristian Tudor Popescu spoke about the failed operation in Onești, in which two hostages lost their lives because the police did not intervene for 5 hours, and about the nine policemen from Bucharest who tortured and humiliated two people who had the courage to warn them not to they will wear a mask.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: Candles and flowers were placed in front of the block in Onești and among them people put some inscriptions: “Incompetence kills” and “Only you know what was in your soul, helpless and defenseless, knowing that no one will ever help you.” It is about the two workers who were murdered, massacred.

The motto of the Romanian police is “Security and trust”. I am curious, if a survey is done in this country, how many citizens will say that they trust the police and, in general, the police and how many citizens feel safe because there are police officers in Romania.

Every time there were all kinds of horrible and grotesque events in relation to the Romanian police, ranging from pedophilia by a policeman to complicity with police criminals, to death threats posed by senior police officers to police officers. journalists because they were discovered with plagiarism in the doctorate – in all these cases I also heard this answer: “but there are also policemen who do their duty.”

In my opinion, it is self-deception. We are wrong to say that. Yes, there is, but if there is a single policeman who does not fulfill his duty, precisely because he is a policeman, he can cause enormous damage to society. And the fact that there are other policemen who do their duty does not help, does not excuse, does not warm us with anything. This is the nature of the police profession and of these bodies that must protect citizens. If any of them are wrong – or, in Onești there was no one, there was an army of police whoThey didn’t do anything in the 5 hours, and when they did something, it was a festival of stupidity.

Yes, there are also the competent and correct police officers. They will be in another part of this country. How did you help the two men? Because this is what his neighbors wrote: “You were alone and helpless knowing that no one would ever help you.” There is no point fooling ourselves with this.

It is about contempt for the citizen. Indifference, indifference, contempt of the authorities towards ordinary citizens, and especially towards those who wear uniforms. Police uniform, magistrate’s tunic and, in general, military uniform. When you are in that uniform, unfortunately, I see in this country that it does not mean that, on the contrary, you have a greater social responsibility for what is happening.Complicated in society than any civilian. No. It means that you feel above these devastated civilians. In what other way sexplains it

What did they do in Onești? These cops were standing in front of the block, laughing, telling jokes. I don’t know what they said there, but I can figure it out. They said: what’s up with this snowman there, who knows what they got from, they must have been drinking together and who knows, he didn’t pay him, it’s none of their business. This is how the problem was handled.

If, for example, that individual, Oprișan, the head of IPJ Bacău, had been taken hostage, would the cops make jokes in the same way?

Vasile Oprişan, previous head by IPJ Bacău, caused a scandal in April 2019 when he told a radio station that women beaten by their husbands do not call the police in the middle of the night, that they wait until morning with complaints and that maybe it was just by mistake.

Cristian Tudor Popescu: Serious carelessness and contempt. I mean, “yeah, did you get slapped from the man, call 112? Cine e aia? The woman! “

The same contempt is seen in the nine policemen, among whom I understood that it was at least one woman, who kidnapped, tortured, humiliated two people, systematically beat them with sticks, with her feet. They did it because they had it at their disposal, because they were in uniform, they were big and strong and they could. How cowardly, if it makes you want to pour! Nine of them to start hitting a man in the field, nine of us to hit one. Police, security and trust. The same: “There were two of them, the young woman, why don’t we hit them, if we can?”

Those gendarmes from Brașov, who did paranghelia without being able to mask, I looked and found no one who had a mask. They made paranghelia for the chief. And what happened? They were also sanctioned with 500 lei each. In other words, “we do what we want, we are gendarmes. What, are we being devastated by civilians? Put on a mask, don’t go paragliding. We are gendarmes, sirme! “

It is this superiority that comes from the depths of time, it comes before 1989.

Editing: Monica Bonea
