I don’t feel well, I can’t breathe without a mask. My lungs are affected


The pilot Titi Aur fell ill with COVID and is hospitalized in average form, in a hospital in Bârlad. The pilot recounted how he felt when he learned that he had been infected with the new coronavirus in a Facebook post. “The values ​​are beginning to change a little, in the cap. You no longer want the million euros, but you would like health, you begin to accept that companies can work and only with your colleagues, you think if you have stayed long enough with your family ”, says Titi Aur, who declares, on the other hand, impressed by the renovation of the hospital in his hometown and the professionalism of the doctors and nurses there.

Although in the hospital, the pilot agreed to describe, on Saturday, live on Digi24, the experience of the disease.

Titi Aur:NorthumComplicated simt fplace Well I can’t breathe without a mask etAnd now I have oxygen in my nose niște tubulețe. Incerc sComplicated vblind a bit with you, sperm cComplicated not too much, by What gives me a cough?Complicated vblind too.

I have been hospitalized since Thursday, they found me on Sunday, I received treatment at home because my lung had not affected, in all the controls carried out on Sunday, but on Thursday I had problems, difficulty breathing and I came to the hospital.

The CT scan showed that both lungs were 30% affected, which is already serious. 85% of COVID patients do not have affected lungs and can be treated at home, of course, also under the supervision of a doctor.

“If the lung is affected more than 50%, the work of the doctors becomes very difficult. God must contribute so much that he can save you.”

I am one of the 15% unlucky, with affected lungs, which means mandatory hospitalization, intensive treatment and all tests followed. There is a lot of care and involvement from the medical staff.

I knew about COVID, I am not one of those who say it does not exist, I always wore a mask, my colleagues even told me that they had not seen my face for a year. I walked with a mask, tried to protect myself. I understood that if you are part of the 85% with a relatively light form, you can pass more easily, but if you are unlucky to be in the 15%, it is very important to get to the hospital as soon as possible.

If you do not come to the hospital under the supervision of the doctors and the lung begins to be affected more than 50% – 65%, 70%, then the work of the doctors becomes very difficult and God must contribute a lot in order to save. your. Or, if you are unlucky enough to have other serious diseases (diabetes, heart and others), the situation becomes even more complicated, because the body has to fight against various diseases, and this is very difficult.

The idea is to go to the specialists as soon as possible and not stay at home, because it could be fatal.

“Angels of Bârlad” – “Of doctors, nurses, stretchers and maids”

I have known Bârlad hospital since childhood, because I have been there many dozen times, with different hospitalized loved ones, relatives, parents, friends, etc. Now I have found a completely different hospital. It is renovated, beautiful, clean, but what impressed me a lot is the entire medical team, from doctors to nurses, stretchers, the maid, absolutely everyone. I told them in my post “Angels of Bârlad”, because apart from the fact that they all wear white and you have the impression that you always talk to the same person, although they are always changing, they are all equally hard-working, friendly, he explains. In explains that nothing is compulsory, if you want you can go, if you want you can stay, but if you go see what happens, if we do this treatment, this is how it will happen, these will be the effects .. M- sorry, and no just me, all the patients, so don’t think he was behaving like me, we feel great.

The Bârlad team impressed me very, very much.

The disease is an unpleasant experience, I probably had to suffer this too, I hope that there are as few people as possible who end up in this situation, and I am referring here especially to the affected lungs, but even at that easier phase it is not light . I understand that the virus is very vague. And if the viruses that we knew so far disappeared from the body in 5, 6, 8 days, it was also a word that an untreated cold lasts a week and is treated for 7 days, all kinds of jokes, this virus does not behave like that. , but it hides through the body, appears and disappears when it feels like it, attacks when it catches the weaker body, there is no antidote to the virus, there is only the strengthening of the body so that it can fight the virus.

“I think we will have to shoot, all of humanity”

As long as there is an antidote to the virus, this is probably how humanity will suffer. Even the vaccine only prepares the body to fight the virus. The vaccine is not to kill the virus.

I think we will have to shoot, all of humanity, and for me it is an unpleasant experience, but I also have to get out.

The intensive treatment that I do lasts five days and then I will see what the evolution is, another computed tomography is done. For now, we are talking about maintenance, so that the disease does not evolve further, ”Titi Aur told Digi24.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
